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The Township of Washington Police Department Warns Residents on “ding dong ditch” Incidents

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp. of Washington NJ, the Township of Washington Police Department would like to inform the residents that over the weekend we had reports of “ding dong ditch” incidents.

There were two reports over this past weekend of actor(s) knocking/banging/ringing doorbells at residents on our east side of our town between the hours of 7:00 PM and 10:30 PM.  Property damage was reported by one of our residents.

These instances are occurring late at night. It is frightening to our residents. This is creating a public alarm and is NOT a joke.  There is zero tolerance. These “pranks” may result in Criminal Charges.
The matter is currently under investigation. The Washington Township police want to remind all residents to report all instances of this nature immediately.

If anyone wishes to report an incident or has further information, please call the Police Desk at 201-664-1140.

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2 thoughts on “The Township of Washington Police Department Warns Residents on “ding dong ditch” Incidents

  1. My Ring doorbell will catch these violent perpetrators !

  2. I told you what to do, take your dog to put inside a plastic bag tied up, put that in Amazon box, tape it up leave it on the doorstep and let them take it. They will find a nice Sunday surprise hell yeah.

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