photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebnook page
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Fair Lawn NJ, no injuries were reported in connection with a late Sunday afternoon, 01/14, motor vehicle crash in which a Lexus SUV mounted a curb and knocked over a protective bollard in front of a Kosher grocery store on Fair Lawn Avenue in Fair Lawn. The crash left the Lexus impaled on top of the bollard; two (2) tow trucks were required to remove it from its predicament. Fair Lawn Police department responded to the incident.
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Oy. Even anti-Semitic car accidents are on the rise.
That’s not kosher!
Kosher deli’s have the good stuff. I love the kosher Nosh in Glen Rock. They have the best chopped chicken liver!
I must say, Fairlawn is turning out to be a garbage can, definitely north Patterson, it’s starting to look like Hackensack.
One person can’t drive and your trashing Fair Lawn? Pathetic.