the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Tonight’s Planning Board meeting agenda (Tues., Oct. 15) includes the first hearing for the LLC wishing to knock down all structures on two large adjoining properties opposite the Stable and build 8 new ones on a cul-de-sac feeding into North Maple Ave. half a block above the intersection at Linwood Ave.
The meeting starts at 7:30 in the 4th-floor courtroom at Village Hall, 131 N. Maple Ave. This item is scheduled to begin at 8:10, although the agenda always states that changes can be made at any time.
8:10 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. – Family Homestead, LLC and David K. Blood and Lillian D. Blood, Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision, 232 North Maple Avenue, Block 2003, Lot 2 and 250 North Maple Avenue, Block 1920, Lot 7.
The property closer to Linwood is the Donlans’, not named in the application. Maybe because they tried once on their own and were refused?
I don’t understand. Were the houses sold and bought by developers?
Why were residents notified only a few hours before this planning dept discussion? Because they were hoping to slide this under the rug. I bet they approved it. This town is screwed by its own politicians, planners, lawyers etc. One this gets approved you will see how many other properties with enough lot will ask for subdivision etc.
No, the houses are still owned by the Donlans and Bloods, who are running the show themselves (unusual), or at least that’s what they are saying. The word “developer” in the headline was added by the blog and incorrect.
At the hearing, the project attorney and engineer said they didn’t know what would happen if they got approval. Maybe a developer would buy everything and build on spec, or each lot would be sold separately and the owners would find their own architects. It was all so vague that the board couldn’t believe it. “When will you know?” one board member asked them. Shrugs.
The board attorney instructed the applicants to issue a revised notice. The next hearing date was set for January 7, 2020. They asked for that much time to get their ducks in a row.
Residents within 200 feet were noticed legally. Why would anyone say they were not.
I am one of those residents and I was.
All of us were.
It was not approved. It was moved to another date because the board challenged it very well.
Did you come to the meeting??
I do not think residents of Meadowbrook were noticed even though this will affect them as well. Much of the property within 200 feet is owned by the town (Graydon Park/Stable).
Right. The meadowbrook residents were not noticed because the law doesn’t require it. Anyone could say this could affect them. There had to be something legally to prove that.
Meadow brook residents consider the dozens of people on walnut or mastin? ACTUALLY behind this maybe development??
THOSE people got noticed as they should. Think!!!!