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Township of Washington Police Department Search for Burglary Suspect

Screenshot 2024 12 19 171525
the pictured actor
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Twp. of Washington NJ, the Township of Washington Police Department would like to inform the residents that yesterday December 18, 2024 at approximately 8:47 PM Patrol was dispatched to residence on the west side of town for an Attempted Burglary call.  It appears one actor was going to possibly attempt entry into a home, which was monitored by the homeowner’s camera system. Patrol responded, canvassed the entire area with negative results.

We do not provide an address when the accompanying images were obtained from a private resident’s security camera out of discretion and respect to the provider. We believe it is critical to provide our community with as much information as possible, and we must balance that responsibility while also respecting the privacy of the potential victim.
We want to remind residents that historically home burglaries occur more often during the winter months/holiday season, especially due to the fact there are fewer daylight hours.  This gives burglars more time to be concealed by darkness. Burglars are opportunists, eliminate opportunities for them by locking all doors/windows/gates.  Also, secure your vehicles as burglars will attempt to gain entry, and steal them if they can.  Please make sure if you are not home you have lights on timers, deliveries stopped or redirected to elsewhere.  The idea is to make it look like someone is home.  We like to keep our residents informed so we stay diligent.  Any questions/concerns or information on this manner, please contact our Police Desk at 201-664-1140
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9 thoughts on “Township of Washington Police Department Search for Burglary Suspect

  1. “Possibly “ attempt to break into the home. Really? Someone who is masked and carrying something in his hand and walks up to your front door is probably there to break in. Thank God the homeowner had a camera system.

    1. Oh geez. He could be there selling Girl Scout cookies. Stop with the assumptions.

  2. another irishman lol

  3. This wont take long

  4. TO THE (alleged) BURGLAR: if you enter my house uninvited, I will not hesitate to shoot you twice in the chest, then again in the head.

    F around and find out. Trust me… it’s just not worth it. Get a job and earn the money lawfully like the rest of us.

    1. If you were a better shot, you wouldn’t need to waste so many bullets.

    2. I love Bruce. Every comment he leaves on this blog is about him killing somebody.

      1. Don’t threaten my abode and I won’t need to unalive you…

        (all I want is to be in my home without worrying about unwanted “guests”)


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