the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Washington DC, the United States’ “vaccine mandate”* was put on hold following a ruling by a 3-judge panel of the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals. The panel concluded that the mandate, an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that generally applies to companies and organizations with 100 or more employees, is “staggeringly overbroad” and does not sufficiently account for variations in working conditions and environments. The panel concluded that the policy should be suspended until the case can be argued in court. Lawyers from the Biden Administration appealed the initial panel ruling, arguing that a delay in implementing the mandate could result in many unnecessary deaths, but the judges upheld the initial decision. In its ruling, the panel described the policy as “fatally flawed” and indicated that lawsuits aiming to overturn it “are likely to succeed on their merits,” which suggests that the White House could face an uphill battle to institute the mandate in January.
The original deadline was scheduled for January 4, 2022, at which time employers would be required to implement weekly testing requirements for unvaccinated employees. Lawsuits have been filed across multiple jurisdictions in opposition to the policy, including by several state governments as well as private companies and religious organizations. Reportedly, these lawsuits may be consolidated into a single jurisdiction, but it is unclear which court could try the case.
Tyrant Biden loses this one because he is too stupid to understand that the executive branch doesn’t control the judicial branch.
Biden is another control freak and a habitual liar (he’s been lying for decades, stealing a speech from a European politician, lying about the number of college degrees he earned, lied that he was never buddy buddy with KKK member Robert Byrd). His entire cabinet are a bunch of liars runnung interference for the dumb ass in chief. And all the liars on CNN and NBC and MSNBC support the lies.
Hooray! Finally get the COVID Hoax into The Courts. The Courts, where evidence matters and cross-examination happens. Wait until we all find out that, two years ago, when a fat, 90 year-old diabetic died of the flu, we said; “oh-well”. Now we shut-down cities when that happens. Nuts.
John, where do you get your information? Covid is a hoax? Tell that to all the families who have had a loved one die of Covid. Your ignorance is evident.