June 8,2017
By Boyd A. Loving
Ridgewood NJ, Surprise, surprise, surprise – apparently, Ridgewood taxpayers were once again lied to by a Village official.
During Wednesday evening’s Village Council Work Session, Village Engineer Christoper Rutishauser told Council members that it would NOT be possible alter the current pavement/road conditions of Garber Square/Franklin Avenue approaching and underneath the NJ Transit train trestle to permit two (2) lanes of traffic to flow freely in both directions (again).
Many of us remember when former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld promised that if things didn’t work out with the bike lane to nowhere, we could “go back to what we had before.” Well, that ain’t happening folks.
Rutishauser told Council members that the size of NJ Transit’s buses (a required turning radius) is what’s preventing a return to sanity. However, we believe the actual reason is that grant money was used to construct the bike lane to nowhere and rules associated with the use of grant funds would require the Village to give the money used back if the project were removed. So, we’ve been lied to twice? Wow.
Lied to in New Joisey, ya gotta be kiddin.
Everyone lies about everything, friends, foes , pros, amateurs, gov. non gov.
I wonder wonder who…..tells the truth. I wonder wonder wonder if my so-called organic romaine lettuce is really organic.
Twice? Very low estimate. Yes, the setup can go back the way it was and must go back. Hearing Chris R. state (twice) at last night’s council meeting that the underpass had previously been two lanes “only for bad drivers,” I had a “1984” moment. ‘Scuse me, but there was a total of four lanes, two in each direction, from the moment the road was built until Aronsohn and crew got their claws on it not terribly long ago. Buses can’t turn? So the bus company can buy smaller buses or use Glen or Ackerman. No way should all residents be penalized every day forever to accommodate increasingly large buses. Give the money back? Yes, give it back, if we must. The grant didn’t pay for the entire project anyway–never does. A horrible waste of money and unnecessary disruption (as we knew from day one of this dreadful project), yes–but unless that road reverts to two lanes in each direction before the dreaded new apartment construction starts, we are DOOMED. “Cut your losses” is the watchword here. And always always remember who pushed for it: Aronsohn, Rutishauser, Sonenfeld, et al. And the $40,000 it cost to knock down the new median within a very short time (a few weeks?) to make it narrower, so that two lanes in each direction could be restored. Gotta do that asap.
Didn’t this same engineer assist in the grant application. His Dept. had to have submitted the plans and sign off somewhere. Sounds like the State should be notified that they collected funds based on a false use. I’m seeing a pattern here. Schedler grants now this. How much more is going in with these grants? Also, what about the recently approved bike lane grants?
This is truly “Ridgewoood’s Folly “. Chris also said last night when a council member said they she remembered two lanes going under the trestel from the east side to the westside. He claims that was not the case it was only a lane for bad drivers! Who can forget the infamous phrase “traffic calming'” when referring to the changes and that no one uses the bike lanes because they go no where and are dangerous! The grant monies we received for the project covered a small portion of what was actually spent, The fact that the bike lanes are painted green serve as a reminder that it took an awful lot of greenbacks to pay for this fiasco.
CR is more of Ridgewood’s swamp that needs draining.
Another case of don’t believe your lying eyes. I have lived here long enough to remember the four lanes, don’t tell me what I drove every day for 2 decades. Furthermore, the only narrow portion was the curve and that has not changed. It could very easily be one lane breaking to two after the bend, heading east to west to alleviate backups on broad and franklin. Asshat liars, the whole bunch.
I avoid that area when possible. Drove to the train station yesterday and saw a car drove down the green bike lane as if it were still a car lane.
I have never seen a bike in town.. Who would ride through?
It will be a hoot when the high density housing is built. More cars, more congestion and no way to get through town.
Engineers put a man on the moon but this assh*le can’t figure out how to remove a poorly planned bike lane? May as well just say he is incompetent.
“However, we believe the actual reason is that grant money was used to construct the bike lane to nowhere and rules associated with the use of grant funds would require the Village to give the money used back if the project were removed.”
At the time, we were told that (a wondrous) grant would pay for (most?) of the fabulous Bike Lane and it would be a win for everyone and that the grant money must be used for this purpose (traffic easing – aka stealth population control to force a socialist agenda driven by the master plan known as “Agenda 21” – look it up). It’s a big F U sugar coated in feel good language and yes, we are stuck with it.
I think that ANY Garagzilla project needs to INCLUDE FUNDING to rip out the idiotic Bike Lane to nowhere AND INCLUDE FUNDS TO PAY BACK THE GRANT – otherwise no garage gets built.
It’s time for him to go. who removed the old curb’s .bull poop.my god the village has the best b s ‘s around.some on screwed up. do we need a full engineer crew any more. sub it out.
I have seen literally zero bike riders since the lane was eliminated. Previously I occasionally did see them. We are talking about 4 1/2 decades of regular driving there.
Roberta Sonenfeld was the biggest waste and so glad she is gone. She was not only a liar but stupid and dumb to boot. I get aggravated every time I drive on that steeet. It was the stupidest thing she could have authorized. What an idiot!!
Saw a couple pass under the underpass WALKING ON THE BIKE LANE against traffic one day last week. Here’s hoping no pedestrians get killed anytime soon mistaking the bike lane for a pedestrian walkway. NFN, this bike lane fiasco is an early example of Councilwoman Walsh occasionally displaying softmindedness in the measures she supports.
This is so much Bull Shit. Roberta, who by the way always called him “Chris Chris Chris” with adoration in her voice, she stated that the thing could be reverted to two lanes with no problem. Take the damn belgian blocks out and make that a safe road once again. Another gift from the freaking Aronsohn Administration that keeps on giving
Impeach his ass……let’s find a way!
11:21. If you sre talking about trump – I’m in!
It can be reversed – we just need to pay back the grant.
chris u bum. u should go work some place else.