file photo Boyd Loving
Wed, May 20, 2015
Time: 7:30 PM
Event DescriptionForum No. 7 – CBD Panel Discussions – May 20th at 7:30PM
Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli has scheduled a CBD Panel Discussion for May 20, 2015 from 7:30PM to 9:00PM; with an “open mike” from 7:30 to 8:00PM. It will be held in the Court Room at Village Hall. The topic for discussion will be determined.
Suggested topic: why this is the dumbest, most potentially destructive idea ever to hit the Planning Board with a possible tie with the Valley debacle.
Good one. How about this for a topic: Is it time to re-open the bike lane and stop choking traffic in the main artery of our business district? Do we think more people would visit our downtown if it were easier to access?
Backed up regularly past Heights road on the west side and I can count on one hand the number of times i have actually seen someone on a bike there.
Under what authority are the Civility and CBD discussions being held? Money is being spent on custodial services and energy. Are Ridgewood’s taxpayers obligated to pay for these meetings?
Roberta said that everything was running smooth, no backs ups 6:37
6:52. Very good point. Money is being wasted on these idiotic meetings that accomplish nothing. Civility remains an elusive factor at village council meetings
Good old albert….McElroy deutsch mulvaney carpenter….
Now who’s on their client roster?
Get ready Ridgewood and the CBD….Mickey dee’s, Burger King,
KFC and any other shithole Albert can think of whilst lining his pockets
And those of his developer friends.
@ 7:02…I know I know, don’t believe your lying eyes…
Time to get rid of the bike lane traffic backups are the worst i have seen and i have lived in the village a good many years. This is a lane from nowhere to nowhere, totally foolish idea.
@ 9:53 Thats what the want us to believe that our eyes are lying to us . I would also wish to comment on the green color of the bike lane. IT SUCK! Then again they will accuse us of being colorblind
Typical politicians, funds for the bike lane provided from state/Feds. Free money so let’s spend it! Of course all government spending comes out of our pockets and reduces the amount the private sector can put to more efficient use.