· Important update to yesterday’s E-Notice:
The Executive Order issued by the County Executive will not go into effect until Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.
· Important correction to yesterday’s E-Notice:
Food establishments or retail establishments who sell mostly food, such as supermarkets, may remain open between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. and shall be limited to food and health care products. Larger supermarkets are limited to 50 patrons at one time.
· Additional information about previous E-Notices:
At Habernickel Park and Veterans Field, the walking paths are open for passive recreation. All school fields and school walking/jogging paths are closed. All playgrounds are closed.
The Recycling Center is closed, but recycling will continue to be picked up curbside, on your usual recycling pickup day.
All restaurants, dining establishments, and food establishments may be open during their normal business hours, but may only offer food delivery and/or takeout services.
Ridgewood Corrections….do we have a jail now…?
A jail for What , what the hell are talking about.