the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, according to Village of Ridgewood Mayor Ramon Hache this is the latest update on coronavirus cases in Ridgewood is as follows :
The most recent numbers in RIDGEWOOD are as follows:
Positive: 300
Negative: 442
Deaths: 29 (24 in Long Term Care)
Bergen County:
Positive: 15,251
Deaths: 1,002
Please continue to do your part in working together to contain and prevent the spread of the virus by adhering to proper social distancing practices, washing hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, and staying home especially if you feel sick. Be well, stay safe, and encourage others to do the same.
county-state parks open on Sat!
What about local Parks . Or do weed nerd to Wait until next week
Just be careful, remember people today another 325 people reported that this is far from being over.
Stay inyour house.
Cower in fear.
Then you will be safe.
You will be alive, but you will not live…