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Village of Ridgewood Office of Emergency Management: Vehicles left on the street overnight will be ticketed and towed

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Jeremy P. Kleiman OEM Coordinator and Keith Kazmark Village Manager :

Due to the weekend snow storm, overnight parking is suspended in the Village by order of the Ridgewood Police.  Vehicles left on the street overnight will be ticketed and towed.

– Please stay off the roads and drive only if absolutely necessary.

– Keep fire hydrants and intersections clear of snow.

– Do NOT throw snow back into roadways.

– Stay away from downed trees and power lines.

– Residents are prohibited from removing barricades, cones and police line tape.

– Call 911 only for life threatening emergencies.

– Please call PSE&G directly at 800-436-7734 to report loss of power.


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4 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood Office of Emergency Management: Vehicles left on the street overnight will be ticketed and towed

  1. I believe it when that happens, how many vehicles were towed this past storm.

  2. I walked my dog today. numerous cars that were obviously left overnight since the plows went around them. NO SUMMONS issed. what a joke.
    get the tow truck out and the ticket book

    1. Was one of the a white town vehicke without markings??

  3. I don’t know, I do know there is a town vehicle a blue SUV with no markings on it riding around, we can understand Hakam. It doesn’t have any kind of village markings or lettering or numbers. We do know it doesn’t belong to the police department, more sneaky business going on.

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