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Village of Ridgewood Parks Division Clears Fallen Tree

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photos courtesy of Village Manager Keith Kazmark

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village of Ridgewood Parks Division continues to get it done by clearing downed trees from local water ways. Keeping debris out of local waterways helps with flood mitigation.  The aim to reduce the impact of flooding on people and property.

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5 thoughts on “Village of Ridgewood Parks Division Clears Fallen Tree

  1. What, no pic of Whistleblower Guy ?

  2. Like they should be doing!!!!

  3. Where are the pictures of the clear cutting they did at the hill on the view at the top of Crest?

    1. Maybe you could share them with us, Ansel.

  4. Wow , who did that a contractor.

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