When looking for new car insurance, one of the main things you will be doing is looking for an acceptable value policy. It may be that you are looking for insurance that is cheaper than your last one to save some cash, or you want more coverage for the same rate. Car insurance is a competitive market, meaning that many providers will offer deals to convince people to swap over to them, and as a buyer, you can take advantage of this. For example, FreewayInsurance.com is known for offering affordable car insurance and great coverage.
The average cost of car insurance in the UK varies depending on the source, with the Association of British Insurers reporting it at £485 for a year of folly comprehensive cover. At the same time, Statista claims it is £692. The real figure is likely between these two, and the different statistics show that car insurance can be variable even when taking the average of a large sample.
What changes the cost?
There are many factors that a car insurance provider considers when coming up with a quote, and these are used to assess how risky the driver is. Insurance providers will ask for the following information when creating a quote:
Age of the driver
Experience of the driver
Type and size of the vehicle
Modifications to the car
Type of usage planned
Claims history
Years of no claim’s bonus
Amount of excess
Add on features such as legal cover etc
A driver is put into an insurance group from 1 to 50, with one being the cheapest and 50 the most expensive. The insurance group is largely impacted by the vehicle you are trying to ensure, with its engine size and value is significant.
How to reduce the cost of your insurance
When choosing your car insurance, it is crucial to keep in mind that the cheapest is not necessarily the best. While you want to get a good deal for yourself, an additional few pounds each month may be the difference between being able to claim on your insurance or not being covered when you need it. Also, staying with one provider is an excellent way to bring your premiums down each year using your no claims bonus, but you may still find a cheaper option by shopping around.
Look for the best prices.
The easiest way to bring your car insurance cost down is to shop around for the best process each year when your renewal date is close. Check the details and price of your insurance and use them to compare what is on the market using a website like Money Expert, which compiles all of the best deals on the market so you can easily compare prices.
If you find an offer that is cheaper or offers more coverage than your existing insurance, you can go to your provider and see if they will match the quote. Many will be happy to do this rather than lose the customer, and negotiation should not be too difficult. If you find that your current provider is unwilling to match the price, you can move over to the new provider with a better deal.
Pay annually rather than monthly.
Most people default to monthly payments as this feels less expensive, and not everyone has the savings or disposable income to pay a lump sum of several hundred pounds at once. If you can save, though, paying your insurance annually can significantly impact the total amount you need to pay.
Lower your risk
As mentioned above, there are many factors that insurance companies consider when creating sr22 quotes california.. If you can take steps to lower the risk of you having to make a claim, then you can reduce the price of your insurance. Parking your car in a garage rather than the street will help, as well as fitting an alarm approved by your provider will make a difference.
Build your no claims
One of the best ways to lower your insurance cost is to be a safe driver and prevent the need to claim on your insurance. You cannot always avoid claiming on your insurance, but taking all the steps in your control to drive safely will stack the odds in your favor. Each year you do not claim on your insurance will lower your premiums to a maximum of five years, where the cost reduction should be significant.
Pay for what you need.
Everyone needs different types of insurance, depending on their situation. Some features that could be added to your insurance quote, like breakdown, could be found elsewhere, or you may remove it entirely if you have a new car that is highly unlikely to break down. Insurers may try to upsell you with additional coverage such as legal and windscreen replacement that you don’t personally need.
How do you claim your car insurance?
The hope is that you will never need to claim your car insurance, but accidents happen, so you need to know what to do if the need arises.
If you are in an accident involving a third party, the first thing you need to do is call the emergency services if required. Following any serious issues that need to be handled by the emergency services, or if this has not been necessary, the next thing to do is exchange contact information with the other person involved. Include contact numbers and insurance details when doing this and try to take photos of the incident as proof of what happened.
As soon as you can, contact your insurer and give them all the details of the incident. Your insurance provider will represent you in any disputes over blame and settle the claim on your behalf.
If your car is stolen
The first thing to do if your car is stolen is to contact the police and inform them of your car’s details. The case will be logged, and you will be given a reference number if further information is needed. If your insurance covers theft, you can then get in touch with them and give them your reference number, and on completion of the investigation, you will be given the market value of your car.
Here’s the best kept secret…
Have a good/excellent credit rating and ask your agent to quote with a company that values responsibility