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Wyckoff Home of U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer Hit With Protests

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, several police departments from Bergen and Passaic Counties along with officers from the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office assisted Wyckoff Police in the arrest of approximately 12 protestors at the Wyckoff home of U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer on Monday afternoon, 10/18. Those arrested were allegedly trespassing on private property owned by the Congressman and his spouse. No injuries were reported by any officers or protestors at the scene.

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25 thoughts on “Wyckoff Home of U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer Hit With Protests

  1. Two (2) RIdgewood PD officers assisted in making the arrests.

  2. Tell Josh it was a “mostly peaceful protest” nothing to worry about.

  3. Looks like a group of highly experienced folks who know how the world and human nature work.

  4. I would settle for stopping the auto-warranty spam calls.
    Little Josh should sponsor this legislation.

  5. What were they arrested for anyone know.

  6. “What were they arrested for anyone know.”

    Defiant trespass.

  7. Josh = Clinton machine graduate.

  8. “I would settle for stopping the auto-warranty spam calls.
    Little Josh should sponsor this legislation.”

    Schumer already did that years ago.

    You can see how well that worked. But it kept dogs and ponies employed.

    Next: legislation to make pastries have negative calories.

  9. Wonder how many of them are children of left wing Ridgewood/Wyckoff attorneys?

  10. I am sure that after they were released they all went to their productive jobs.

  11. Fatso on the left is not helping the climate much with her overeating.

  12. Some of them look very dirty. They need to get a life. If they have that kind of time they should go and donate their time at s soup kitchen.

  13. I often wonder if it isn’t the unsavory looking and acting types who protest certain conditions who are actually the ones causing them to be prolonged. They turn people against them, and destroy the message with which others might partially agree.

  14. Holding a “Green New Deal” sign. LOL. There’s a trillion dollars that will go into the dumper.
    This is what you get: student indoctrination by radical leftist professors and green nut jobs like AOC, Bernie Sanders, Pelosi.

  15. His party, his problem…

  16. Just like years ago when the government put a lot of money into solar panels, yes I do work for a degree but you know the deal.

  17. Brainwashed protesting against a brainwasher.

  18. I lean more to conservative, but I like Josh. I think he’s a good man who tries to serve all constituents regardless of party affiliation. He tries to get things done. If they have a gripe, go through regular channels with letters, emails, calls to his office. You can make your voice heard.

  19. “Tries to help his constituents “, more like trying to keep his cushy job! Term limits for them all!

  20. “I lean more to conservative, but I like Josh. I think he’s a good man who tries to serve all constituents regardless of party affiliation. He tries to get things done. If they have a gripe, go through regular channels with letters, emails, calls to his office. You can make your voice heard.”

    Trying to decide….
    Are you a Troll or are you clueless?

  21. Me thinks he has a personal relationship with the midget congressman.

  22. These poor kids are getting brainwashed from the liberal parents.

  23. Does anyone know what these individuals were protesting? Absent any unifying audio to accompany their placards, all I can surmise is they don’t like Josh. One guy wants jobs, another is a climate crusader and the banner carriers don’t like corporate profit. Protest for protest sake?

  24. Josh never said a word about all the protests last summer because he thought they were fine. Now that they found there way to his front door wonder how he feels?
    Why I think it is wrong he was elected to keep our towns safe.
    He choose to ignore all these problems when they were not at his house . Now it comes back to haunt him.

  25. Do they get paid extra if they get arrested?

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