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A Perfect Storm in Ridgewood Developed and Pushed the Council majority to the Curb

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ
May 16,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, readers continue to takes issue with Gwenn “drunken tiriad” at village hall after the humiliating defeat of the Aronsohn slate .Many residents can’t get over the fact that Gwenn lost it the night everyone met at the Community Center to hear the election results.  She certainly had been drinking but that really is a non issue( Many drunks are nice!) .

Gwenn literally went into the face of a resident screaming and cursing and saying, ” Are you fucking gloating” and other curses.  Her extremely rude husband who,is known for his rudeness, grabbed her to take her away all the while smiling and saying, ” we have freedom of speech, she can say anything she wants!” A classy act .

All three of the outgoing council members have demonstrated serious narcissistic rage issues. So many have witnessed these rants or have been the victim of them.

They have held these anti free speech civility meetings for two years basically attacking everything and everyone but themselves.

If the new council is only better in this department, we are most definitely in a better place.  The behavior has affected so many areas of village government including not allowing for real conversation about problems in the departments.

Add that to the fact that the village manager acted as a 6th council member and was encouraged to do so made it impossible for Susan and Mike to have the impact they tried so hard for.

Fortunately, for residents a perfect storm developed:  so many citizen groups with a variety of issues speaking out at once.  There was no way they were going to beat that and that it is why they tried to push everything through in such an aggressive manner so quickly.

26 thoughts on “A Perfect Storm in Ridgewood Developed and Pushed the Council majority to the Curb

  1. Ok now that the council has changed what are the chances of stopping valley or is that a done deal?

  2. Did this really happen? Wow.

  3. What exactly have Susan and Mike proposed for the Village?

  4. Don’t they have any shame? How are these three still going to the council meetings with their heads up?

  5. The Three Amigos have been Rebuked and Repudiated. And now we’re going to be Redeemed.

  6. I bet she does not speak that way to her Barbie dolls.

  7. 8:32 – Smaller hospital, smaller apartments, smaller garage, no baseball field at Schedler.

  8. My wife and I were having a discussion about parking, and to prove a point, Friday night at around 8PM she had me drive around a little bit before heading home. We went up Ridgewood avenue to Chestnut, then back down Franklin before heading out of town on Oak, We counted no less than five open parking spots. As an aside, can the new Village counsel please rescind whatever sweetheart deal ordinance that granted public space for private use by the owners of Roots (formerly Blend) and Park West? Those are public spots being usurped for the commercial benefit of a couple landlords in town. I don’t know who got paid off and I don’t care. Those spots belong to us, not Roots.

  9. I knew some people there and did not hear this – – are we sure the allegations are accurate?

  10. omg people. complaining about valet service is flat-earth ridiculousness. instead of seeing three empty spots use your imagination and see that there are dozens of cars in each of those spots because on any given friday or saturday night in excess of 200 people have probably used that service. in effect they are parking 200 cars in six spots. pretty good trick there if you ask me.

    if there were no valet service a] you wouldn’t just pull up and use one of those spots because each one would be taken dozens of times over and b] you wouldn’t see 5 spots anywhere else in town because the demand would be so high.

    1. Valet parking has made the parking problem worse

  11. where do valet employees park those cars?

  12. 12:00. Yes, it happened.

  13. Not allegations. Fact.

  14. The event at the Center involving Gwenn is true. She was removed quickly but there were witnesses as well as the person who was verbally attacked.

  15. At the Ken Smith dealership.

  16. You’re right Jimmy. War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. Be strong.

  17. Why would any of the outgoing counsel care who was elected to replace them? If they felt that strongly about the election, they should have run for re election. Getting drunk and raging about the outcome of an election in which you could have been incumbent, but decided not to run, is pants on head stupidity.

  18. Maybe Gwenn just came from a lacrosse game?

  19. 11:07 the truth…

  20. Maybe Gwenn needs to apologize for her very public and very inappropriate outburst. She is always lecturing the rest of us about civility. The f-bomb does not go well with pearls and diamonds Gwennie Girl

  21. Pants on Head Stupidity. I love it!

    The three of them did not run because they knew they were unelectable. Albert tried to get signatures and people flat out told him they were not going to sign. Gwenn barely got the signatures and supposdely she asked all her senior firends after feeding them tacos.

  22. @12:10 The Valet service is a great idea. The problem is in the execution. Why does every participating business need to have several spots as a loading zone? Just have one loading zone in the middle of the block that they all share.

  23. Massive Garage is a mega boondoggle.Will bring all the crime, vagrants ,panhandlers and drug dealers AND TRAFFIC galore.Neither Ridgewood PD nor Transit police are interested in these quality of life issues.Next time you are at the mall or traveling ,witness how dirty ,dark and unsafe these grey zone structures are.Time for a reset folks..I don’t pay higher taxes for businesses in town to rake in peak loading revenues.STOP THIS MONSTER NEIGHBORHOOD WRECKER.

  24. But @12.10. Chic eateries need the bling front door loading zones for those grand entrances by the beautiful out of Towners and their wives.
    Otherwise park west might get a yard or two on closest competitors eateries.what a sham this town intends to be in evenings.Outside of wine they don’t shop here.Valets whisk them away direct onto the routes home or to an afterbar or dance scene far from Sooks or RIdgewood coffee houses.

  25. so the real complaint about the valets is class warfare. fine. just say that. I notice after being confronted with facts the dana strap-on wing of the village has to resort to haves and have nots. nice. i can’t wait for the next four years. mayor susan and dm walsh. can’t wait.

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