July 15,2017
Ridgewood NJ, The Village of Ridgewood and Age Friendly Ridgewood invite senior citizens to the Kasschau Shell Concerts at 8:30 on Tuesday July 18 (McVey family singing Broadway hits) and Tuesday July 25 (North Jersey Concert Band). Admission is free. To reserve a seat on the Ridgewood Senior Bus please call 201-670-5500 x203. Chairs and bug spray will be provided for seniors with reservations to travel to the concerts on the Ridgewood senior bus.
2017 Ridgewood High School Summer New Players opens this weekend and offers Seniors a $5 discount on all tickets. Now playing are Little Shop of Horrors and Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery and opening later in July is The Pajama Game. Please see www.rhsnewplayers.com for details and tickets.
Enjoy it while you can. The Library need that land for parking.