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Another Garage Letter that was not Printed by the Ridgewood News

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving , Council majority ie the 3 Amigos

Good morning-
Here is the Letter to the Editor Jim wrote that wasn’t printed this past wknd.

February 17, 2016

Letter to the Editor

What is really going on?

The Town Council voted 3-2 on February 10th to fund the Hudson Street Garage with the Bergen County Improvement Authority. Councilmembers Aronsohn, Pucciarelli and Hauck voted to turn the project over to the county.

Some questions to ponder:

If the goal is a functional, non-partisan government, WHY has our Mayor been off “forming a partnership” with the BCIA for 3 years?

If financial stewardship is important, WHY are we paying more to finance through the BCIA versus funding it ourselves?

If we are going to incur an obligation to the county of more than $10 million, WHY isn’t there a payment plan in place to pay off this obligation?

If we truly care about the look and feel of our historic downtown, WHY haven’t designs/renderings been shown to the taxpayers of Ridgewood?

If all 5 members of our Town Council are independent thinking stewards of our village, WHY haven’t Councilmembers Sedon and Knudsen been privy to all discussions and reports in a timely fashion?

If we want real informed input from our fellow residents, WHY was the Maser study, which showed the 12 feet encroachment into Hudson St., thereby narrowing Hudson to 18 feet, not made public until after the November referendum, when the Village Manager had it on her desk in October?

If the upcoming election isn’t a factor, WHY are Councilmembers Aronsohn, Pucciarelli and Hauck in such a rush to fund this with Bergen County?

Too many unanswered questions.
Lets make sure we have answers before it’s too late.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McCarthy

12 thoughts on “Another Garage Letter that was not Printed by the Ridgewood News

  1. The Ridgewood News has a new editor, Jaime Walters. Mr. McCarthy might consider making an appointment with her to discuss her letters policy.

  2. Yes, what the heck is going on with the Ridgewood News? This letter is not insulting, inflammatory, or in any way inappropriate. There is no excuse for it not having been published. Does Aronsohn really control the newspaper, even a brand new editor?

  3. It’s no different from the various national news sites that allow comments. They all have leftist slants, and no matter how polite your comment is, they have a tendency to get removed soon after appearing.

  4. Well Aronsohn mat not control the new editor but you can bet she got her marching orders from the owner of North Jersey Media who is friends with Aronsohn. If she wants to keep her job she will tow the Aronsohn line.

  5. Well if this kind of thing keeps up maybe its time to boycott the Ridgewood News. If they are going to spoon feed us news that they think we should hear it time to cancel. Forget about going to Ms Walters to discuss the policy. Why should anyone do that. Take time out of their work day to kiss the ring of the editor. Please.

  6. Why is everyone kissing Aronsohn ass ? He’s a has been and a user.

  7. Does Aronsohn control the news?????? Ask the Shedler people. Do a LITTLE digging and you’ll see pretty clearly that he sure as hell tries. He’s a sleezy, wannabe politico. Let’s see how far he gets outside of local politics. Please do not let the door hit ya, Paul.

  8. 6:02, the goal of an appointment with the editor by someone whose letter was not printed was hardly to kiss her ring, but to make it clear that this issue has become clearer over time and to try to get a handle on her bias, or what she has been instructed to do. And maybe to obtain a promise that the letter would run on Feb. 26.

  9. Freedom of the press – they can print whatever they want

  10. Right 6:02 and she is going to answer all those question truthfully! The point is timing is everything. She may print those letters next week but the impact has been lost.

  11. more and more bull shit storys. in the spring they will be gone.

  12. LORDY LORDY!!!! the Ridgewood News posted letters against the garage in the latest edition which were very well written… feel free for taking credit for opening the floodgates… all sarcasm intended…

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