the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hackensack NJ, Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco issued the following statement on the reinstatement of congestion pricing:
“I am deeply disappointed by New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s decision to resume congestion pricing. Her temporary postponement in June was nothing more than a political maneuver, and bringing it back now shows the same disregard for the impact on the greater New York metropolitan area. This revised $9 tax is STILL a shameless money grab by the MTA to patch up years of financial mismanagement—at the expense of New York City’s neighbors.
Let’s be clear: congestion pricing is no solution. Instead, it’s a scheme to redirect traffic and pollution to Bergen County and nearby communities, worsening air quality and raising health concerns for residents who do not have sufficient access to the reliable mass transit options which they deserve. The MTA has offered no plans to mitigate the impact on surrounding areas, first responders, or residents with respiratory issues. This isn’t rocket science—congestion pricing will increase both traffic and pollution in neighboring communities.
Our lawsuit against the MTA continues, and Bergen County will proceed full steam ahead, even pursuing additional action as needed against this ill-conceived plan. I’m grateful for the bipartisan support from metro-area officials who have joined this fight. This isn’t about politics; it’s about the real environmental and economic impacts on our communities. I urge the administrations of President Biden and President-elect Trump to stand with us and end congestion pricing once and for all”
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Here is where Gottheimer has an opportunity to step up and fight for his constituents which would be a first
Not likely. Dems vs dems on who can tax more money and then offer the people “free things from the government.”
prices will go up everywhere in the city
Murphy is only mad because Trenton is not getting any of the money
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. In his case, only once!