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Bergen Hazmat Deployed to Stubborn Car Fire at Bergen Community College in Paramus

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, a motor vehicle fire in the “B” parking lot of Bergen Community College’s main campus destroyed what appeared to have been a Honda CRV SUV, and heavily damaged a 4-door sedan that was parked next to it. The inferno was reported just prior to 11:00 am on Tuesday, 12/19. Firefighters from Paramus Engine Companies #3 and #1 extinguished the stubborn blaze. Technicians from the Bergen County Hazardous Materials Unit were called to address a large, fire related fuel spill No injuries were reported in the incident. Both vehicles were removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck.

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One thought on “Bergen Hazmat Deployed to Stubborn Car Fire at Bergen Community College in Paramus

  1. BCC has very few students from Bergen Cty….

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