the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Englewood NJ, Four people were arrested at a Black Lives Matter rally in Englewood on Saturday. The BLM protest was a small crowd of 15 or so. There did seem to be as many police cars as protesters .
Many communities and police departments are on edge over BLM protests and tempers and patients seem to be very short. The protesters engaged the police in an altercation and police responded by making arrests.
Great example of peaceful protesting being escalated by petty law enforcement dick-swinging. Thanks for sharing.
Back in my day the fire department used to come out and blast everybody. Not only did it clear the streets and stop people from riding. Everyone was nice and clean .
re: “Great example of peaceful protesting being escalated by petty law enforcement dick-swinging. Thanks for sharing.”
Are we watching the same video? I saw a mob of people not listening to police. I was at a Trump Rally last Saturday, we walked up and down the sidewalks. On our route there was a section were the sidewalk ended and we walked on the grass (off the road). When we got to our gathering point, me and a few others stepped a few feet into the street to wave our flags and cheer with those passing by showing support. An officer came over and asked we keep it to the sidewalk, we said no problem and stepped back. We cooperated with the request and thanked the officers for what they do. There were a few other occasions where others at the rally with me got a bit too far into the street, an officer respectfully asked them keep it to the sidewalk, and they stepped back and cooperated with the request from law enforcement.
Guess what, 0 arrests.
Yes we are. In American you can protest peacefully. Putting up minor resistance to authority (when that is what they are protesting to begin with!) shouldn’t have ended with police issuing a summons, much less throwing him on the ground.
I can understand you having this take if it was in the context of, say, a traffic stop or wanton public criminal behavior. But peaceful protests are going to be a little disruptive. No good reason to let it escalate – the issuing of a summons was preposterous and petty, especially after the group did acquiesce and move to the sidewalk.
The reality is, no one is taking BLM/Antifa rallies anymore at face value… after dozens of towns were subject to massive looting, billions in property burned down and people intimidated, assaulted, and killed. Despite media blackout, the country is aware. Videos of such acts have been shared widely and there’s no ambiguity about who perpetrated the crimes. You can’t now expect law abiding citizens to take BLM in their neighborhood lightly after all that mayhem.
How are these idiot kids ever going to hold a job?
Don’t they know there is 21 trillion of debt that needs to be paid back.
“Don’t they know there is 21 trillion of debt that needs to be paid back.”
Ahhh, yes, right on time. As soon as republicans are about to be removed from power, all of the sudden we’re debt hawks again.(And never mind the record deficit spending of the last four years.)
Party of fiscal responsiblity, my ass.
either way the news is you eventually will have to get a job
Don’t worry about it, Trump has said it will be a second term priority to reduce the national debt (yuk yuk), after promising to eliminate it in 8 years when he was first elected (ha ha). Pretty sure his plan is to just plunder social security and medicare, because entitlements are crippling America or something.
re: “Yes we are. In American you can protest peacefully. Putting up minor resistance to authority (when that is what they are protesting to begin with!) shouldn’t have ended with police issuing a summons, much less throwing him on the ground.”
He consistently challenged authority, repeatedly screamed profanity at the officers and then rallied his group around refusing to listen to the police. He got what he asked for, I think it ended exactly as it should have. I’m in full support of any American expressing their right to protest, as mentioned I participated in a rally last week. But there’s still law and order. You can’t just interrupt others and infringe on other’s rights and liberties (e.g. block traffic, destroy property). If they wanted to avoid conflict, they should have just walked to the sidewalk. But I have a feeling part of their goal was to make a scene.
I hope more videos like this — of BLM disrupting the suburbs — continue to circulate on the web. It’s influencing more and more voters to vote for law and order.
” dick-swinging” ?
I guess sexist behavior is OK when applied to men.
Typical hypocritical behavior.
Once again exposing false victimhood for what it is… a passive attack.
re: “Ahhh, yes, right on time. As soon as republicans are about to be removed from power, all of the sudden we’re debt hawks again” “Party of fiscal responsiblity, my ass.”
Who says Republicans are being removed from power? The polls? How did that work last time? Let’s check back in a couple weeks. And secondly, there are a lot of Republicans, myself included, who do not agree with Trump’s spending. It’s probably the key thing that most Republicans disagree on with Trump. But we’re stilling voting for him because he’s doing a damn good job elsewhere, he’s trying to get rid of the deep rooted corruption, and the Democrat party has moved way too far left.
Neither party has been fiscally responsible, unfortunately I don’t think neither will either we hit a breaking point and we’re forced to. Who knows when that will be, no one seems to be worried about the $27T right now.
Police escalated that fast by the looks of the video. it looked like a peaceful protest moving down a street, until the police blocked the street and started laying hands on people while they moved to the sidewalk. Disorganized group of police, honestly disappointed in our department for their lack discipline. We can do better than that…
If you try to get arrested, don’t complain about how you’re treated when you get arrested
I didn’t lay blame for the 21 trillion in debt. That’s bipartisan.
It’s simple math that I am talking about.
As for the election results…….you may want to wait for the election results.
We are certainly living in some kind of bizarre parallel universe now, where pro-Trump marchers are the most law-abiding, peaceful you could ever meet, but the MSM portray them as evil racists and KKK members. Yet, we have these Antifa/BLM protestors, who exhibit anti-social and sometimes violent tendencies, and the MSM (plus a lot of limousine liberals here) portray them as peaceful protestors who are provoked by out of control cops.
Let me off. I want to get off this crazy trip I’m on. I want my old America back.
It’s very simple, folks: the police officers gave instructions. The protesters failed to follow those instructions. The protesters were arrested as a result. Actions have consequences. Next time, follow instructions and everyone will walk away happy.
Don’t be outraged if you get arrested for failing to follow instructions.