the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, the councilwomen should have just provided the Village Manager’s name and contact information. In Ridgewood’s form of government, it is unlawful for elected officials to deal directly with municipal employees?
Additionally, why is she conducting official business on a social media site not open to all?
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Shouldn’t be playing soccer in the spring…it’s a fall sport.
This is reason #461 why the baseball dads think they need more fields.
She just won’t go away.
Oh boy! Get ready for a nauseating selfie video about playing field conditions at every park in town.
Someone please put a short leash on her, please oh please!
Good grief, here is someone trying to help one of our neighbors. Why must you pick a fight where it’s not needed?
She should have just provided the Village Manager’s contact info. Anything else is above and beyond what is lawful.
exactly – this blog will $hit on anything she does.
What goes around comes around. She shit on many decent folks to promote her warped agenda. Good riddance to the bitch!
nice comment – I’m sure you have a long distinguished list of volunteering in the community.
It has nothing to do with any volunteering in the community. If you misrepresent the truth by campaigning for something and then do a complete turn around, when all along you were scheming, which is now obvious, then all of the good things you did in the past might fade in the background because the community is now focused on the misrepresentations. I don’t think that is an unfair assessment of the situation and again if you don’t stay true to values that you promoted, it is hard for anyone to rally support.
Will anything be done about it? All I hear about is how our council are border line criminals and nothing gets done. What can we do? Along with healthbarn using area outside its lease. There are no consequences for anyone EXCEPT the tax payers who support the town financially. We get citations for everything!
This is truly a “Do as we say, not as we do’” governing body. The mayor constantly berates the public for “bad behavior “ at public meetings, but their respective behaviors on the dais are atrocious. Winograd pays absolutely no attention to virtual public comments, and wastes the public’s time with inane stories about growing up in Ridgewood.
Aronsohn did the same, squawking about “civility.” Typical politician projection.
They want you to take your beatings and be quiet about it. It’s the equivalent of not allowing your slaves to make eye contact with you.
This “Governing body” is a form of Dictatorship! Politics are controlled within the inner circle.
It needs to change.
So true! We are in this big mess because there are little to ZERO CONSEQUENCES for wrongdoing in this Village. The fields eroding doesn’t happen overnight. Who is asleep at the wheel, #KEITHKAZMARK?
They’ve been violating the Falkner Act and Open Public Meetings for DECADES with no consequences.
Why would they start complying now ?
My guess… she had some one specifically post this so she can demonstrate how bad grass is versus turf
Post of the day !
Everything Siobahn does seems diabolically yet innocently strategic, meaning there is a calculated effort behind everything but she thinks we haven’t caught on. Not only have we caught on long ago, we await the next performance so she can bafflel us with more BS. Therefore, there is nothing that isn’t like a stealth chess game-like move and between her, the sports muscles like Muller, DD and others (you know who you are) behind the scenes, soccer dudes comoluments of her hubs, perhaps certain P&R cronies, relationships with preferred turf vendors (don’t think they probably haven’t shaken on this yet) and anyone else who is trying to push this agenda. Of course this list also includes Ridgewood’s very own PFAS Paulie himself who is right up there driving the train and Weitz is just tagging along in the caboose as a basic lame duck who does less than zero but spout nonsense.
There isn’t much you can do with a lumpy grass field….except maybe rip everything up and start over…$$$$….
Look for many years to village did whatever they wanted to do. They thought they were above the law. For many years, they controlled newspapers, real estate, schools, all the media, so much garbage was swept under the carpet. The top officials hate social media Because so much information gets out. I wouldn’t trust anyone from the top in the village.
Why not just pick up that rock? And anyone with a shovel or a garden fork can repair a divot. Much faster than writing emails and waiting for the bureaucracy to act. If sports are about empowerment, there’s no reason to act so helpless.
Exactly! Thank you, finally a novel idea. There is one dad who relentlessly calls into VC to complain about the condition of the fields and that if his kids cannot get out to play sports they are wreaking havoc in his house. If it is so important to him, then by all means volunteer and do something instead of flapping your jaw all of the time. It really gets so annoying. Therefore as a result of purposely or not maintaining the fields that Ridgewood has, they demand addition turf fields, which does not fix the issues of why maintenance seems to be sorely lacking.
It is interesting to note that the individual who calls in and says his kids are wrecking havoc with his house lives in a 10,000 square-foot home.
There’s an episode of The Simpsons where Homer runs for Sanitation Commissioner with the slogan “Can’t Someone Else Do It?”