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Reader says The Mayor and his team have a major credibility problem



Reader says The Mayor and his team have a major credibility problem

The Mayor and his team have a major credibility problem. Regardless of whatever accomplishments they tout from now until the next election, they cannot escape their past and ongoing mishandling of Village matters. They are arrogant and vindictive and even when they try to hold laughable forums on civility, they inadvertently violate the Sunshine Laws. They’ve been caught in secret meetings developers, they have been caught accepting free tickets to fundraisers, they have publicly humiliated both their political adversaries and any resident that has dared to voice a contrary opinion. None of them has the guts to address any of these particular issues publicly yet they all seem to post here anonymously to advance their personal agendas to try to defend the indefensible.

It’s unfortunate that our town’s elected leadership acts the way these 3 have. At this point, anything that any of them proposes should rightfully be looked at skeptically as none them can be taken at their word. Both individually and as a trio, this group bas failed miserably at gaining the public trust.

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Reader says the Mayor and his two side kicks are creating real damage to the Village

Reader says the Mayor and his two side kicks (the 3 amigos)are creating real damage to the Village
The real damage being done to the village is that at public VC meetings, non-amigo council members are being blatantly and unnecessarily marginalized, and not simply by virtue of the fact that they are in the minority, and the measures they end up opposing are being passed over their objections. Nobody relishes the sense that their arguments were not persuasive, or that their concerns were not shared by their colleagues.

No, the new and much more damaging development is the trend of non-amigo dissenters being so blatantly and systematically personally misused and marginalized. More and more often, we find, that when an important issue or potential policy or statutory change is beginning to be considered by the Village Council, non-Amigo VC members are being intentionally kept out of the loop during substantive face-to-face meetings, telephone calls and email exchanges during which important village business is being discussed. Many of these events involve one or two Amigos, thereby representing a violation of the spirit, if not also the letter, of the Sunshine Law but some represent clear violations because they involve all three Amigos.

For example, former Councilwoman Walsh was CONSTANTLY being kept completely in the dark by all three Amigos during the run up to contemplated policy or statutory changes (as was Councilman Riche, BTW). In fact, this is the very issue she was complaining about, on the record at a public VC meeting, when the current Mayor, apparently feeling the heat and wishing to lash out and intimidate his recalcitrant colleague, accused her, without any basis in the facts or the law, of using the influence of her position on the VC to try to fix her own parking ticket. This is classic uncivil mud slinging.

Another example of this corrosive and damaging behavior is when the two Amigos were enthusiastically participating in their official capacity in the first ‘civility forum’, thinking they were in the clear, and the third Amigo unexpectedly showed up and used the public microphone to officiously advance the Amigo agenda, thereby pushing the meeting, already arguably covered by the Public Meetings Act (Sunshine Law), very clearly into that category. This shows contempt for the law. More distinctly uncivil behavior.

A third example, very recent, is when a typical up-to-no-good Amigo seemingly intentionally and deviously misled Councilwoman Knudsen into believing she needed to recuse herself from a VC work session relating to proposed changes to a law relating to village hiring practices because of her relationship to two pending local job applicants when the law required no such thing. Only after the meeting took place and Ms. Knudsen read the transcript did she determine the very wrong turn done to her by her VC colleague. Where does this behavior fall on the civility scale?

of course, the practice of figuratively knee-capping non-Amigos is not necessarily restricted to attacks on current VC colleages. This is a reality to which current Councilman Sedon can attest, having been forced to choose between his job as a reporter at a Staten Island newspaper and his continued candidacy for a seat on the Village council after an as-yet-unnamed individual apparently maliciously reached out to the editor and suggested that an unavoidable conflict of interest existed (hmm…seems like a pattern…). Can anyone think of something more uncivil than this, short of unjustified physical violence?

These developments constitute real damage because they suggest that anyone who, for whatever reason, opposes or threatens to oppose any current or future Three Amigos policy position or priority, will pay a heavy and a very personal price for their unauthorized dissent. Good potential VC candidates are presumably also intelligent and reasonably savvy and could very well be intimidated into refraining for throwing their hat into the ring in the first place. Moreover, effective, honest, well-meaning and therefore objectivey valuable current VC members are understandably caused by such behavior to re-think their continued participation in local government, meaning that they might not seek re-election when their term as Council member expires.

Surely this qualifies as “real damage.”

So I ask you, What’s in your conscience?

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Readers, Council Meeting Raised More Questions about Meeting between Developers and selected Council members

The Old Ken Smith Property one of the key CBD properties involved in the “Sunshine law” dispute

Readers, Council Meeting Raised More Questions about Meeting between Developers and selected Council members

I just watched the meeting. The public needs to see the emails in question. How many meetings did Albert Pucciarelli and Paul Aronsohn have with terminal construction, what did they promise terminal? Looks bad. Maybe cause for an official investigation.

The behavior of Mayor Paul Aronsohn and Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli is an embarrassment for all the town. They were rude and unprofessional in their discussion with Councilwoman Walsh. I was proud to see that Mrs. Walsh maintained a calm, professional manner. Despite their repeated attacks, she never lost her cool. Thanks Bernie.

Its no secret that Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarell has had it in for Walsh ever since she did not support him for Planning Board President. His ego could not except that and has said as much. No doubt thats why he ran for council to get even.

Last night was Ms. Walsh’s finest hour. It was Mr. Pucciarelli’s and Mr. Aronsohn’s worst performances ever. They were an embarrassment to all of us. Imagine such unprofessional, name-calling behavior from our elected official. At least Ms. Walsh is a shining example of how to lead. She is a class act.

Paul Aronsohn could not control the meeting because he is probable just involved as BIG AL. He did not have his consultants there to help him. Typical of his style of politics he went on the attack Walsh intimating that she tried to fix a ticket and when she had the answer for that he brought in the old standby Gabbert’s raise. How many time are we going to hear that line? - Lesbian

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Paul Aronsohn, Gwenn Hauck and Albert Pucciarelli are officially sworn in to the Village Council


Photos By Boyd Loving

Paul Aronsohn, Gwenn Hauck and Albert Pucciarelli are officially sworn in to the Village Council
July 12012
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , Paul Aronsohn, Gwenn Hauck and Albert Pucciarelli were officially sworn in at Sundays Village Council reorganization meeting.



There were no big surprises Paul Aronsohn was appointed Mayor, Albert Pucciarelli appointed Deputy Mayor. Matt Rogers reappointed as Village Attorney, and a litany of appointments to the various Village boards were also made . U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez administered the oaths of office .

Some changes were made to Village Council committees; Gwen Hauck is now liaison to Parks & Rec and Bernie Walsh assumes the Citizens Safety Advisory Committee leadership now that Keith is gone.Both former Mayor Killion and Councilman Stephen Wellinghorst were praised by residents and council alike . Former Mayor Keith Killion received a standing ovation as he left the dais.



Now Mayor Aronsohn made his first public speech as mayor, and vowed to work on the revitalizing the business community, fix the permitting process, fill store vacancies, and take a closer look at pedestrian safety.

In his remarks U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez was very complimentary to Ridgewood’s non partisan form of government.

Both the ceremony and reception were well attended and there was a standing room only crowd .



Photos by Boyd Loving


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Mr. Bombace has been working directly with Paul Arohnson for the past 3 years to get a super majority of “like-minded” council persons

Vote for me 1

Mr. Bombace has been working directly with Paul Arohnson for the past 3 years to get a super majority of “like-minded” council persons

Mr. Bombace has been working directly with Paul Arohnson for the past 3 years to get a super majority of “like-minded” council persons elected. At first it was the “Crowd” (Cronk and Dowd); now its Albert Puccarelli and Gwen Haulk.

The problem with allowing Paul Arohnson to control a super majority (who have been telling anyone who will listen; that they intend to elect him as Mayor) is that these three will jam their agenda through over and over again and the Village will be changed forever. It should be no suprise they have been having private (read: secret) meetings with various development partners to construct new retail, garages and apartments in various locations in downtown (this is the kind of stuff that leads to jail time, just look what happened in other urban areas around us these past few years).

The current Council is composed of five individuals, none having a lock on control and all having “independent”, not “like-minded” or “lock-step” thinking.

In this Tuesday’s election there will be three non aligned candidates; they are: Keith Killion, Jane Shinazoka and Russ Forenza. Anyone who knows these three; knows they are very different people with very different ideas, all respectful of eachother and the tax payer.

Please vote for independent condidates this year.

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“Citizens for a Better Ridgewood ” tainted by the Bombace scandal

Vote for Paul 3

“Citizens for a Better Ridgewood ” tainted by the Bombace scandal

It seems “Citizens for a Better Ridgewood ” is more than just a group of complainers looking to “urbanize Ridgewood ” at taxpayers expense while reaping huge profits . The group seems to also be composed of and represented by a group of bullies who will do almost anything to get their way.

Also noted in the Judge’s decision “Plaintiff received a disturbing anonymous mailing at his home which was later found to have been sent by Former Chief Bombace”

Has Bombace been charged with anything? It seems he has culpability in this matter, costing Village Taxpayers, he should not escape without being held accountable. If the Judge found a disturbing anonymous mailing having been sent by Bombace, where is the investigation from the Ridgewood Police Department or the prosecutor’s office?

This lies on his shoulders of James Bombace as Director of the Fire Dept. for the years that this harassment to place. To find out that in the Judge opinion he active participated in the harassment is telling on the type of leader he was. This is the same man that now is actively spreading rumors about our mayor is even more telling of the kind of person he really is. He should give back his pension .

This the same Bombace heading up the “Citizens For A Better Ridgewood”? Was this group formed to advance the Aronsohn/Puciarelli/Hauck ticket?

This is the same Bombase that runs the fake misinformation blog or flog known as the “Ridgewood Views” under the Andrew & Sue moniker while on the taxpayers dime ?

This is also the same James Bombace who wrote the letter in today’s Ridgewood News supporting Paul Aronsohn, Gwenn Hauck, and Albert Pucciarelli for Village Council making these candidates complicit in a premeditated plan of lies and deceit to take over the Village?

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