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Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad Unit responds to a suspicious package at BLM Rally in Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad Unit responded to investigate a suspicious package found underneath a park bench during the rally.  Protesters were leaving the park to begin marching when the package was discovered by a plain clothes police officer assigned to internal park security.  A section of the park was subsequently cordoned off with yellow police line/caution tape until Bomb Squad Unit technicians arrived.  Contents of the package were determined to be harmless following inspection by technicians (a pair of old shoes).

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BREAKING: Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad Unit Called to Glen Rock Farmers Market

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, A pressure cooker left in a shopping cart in front of the Rock Farmers Market on Prospect Street in Glen Rock resulted in a response from the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad Unit on Tuesday morning, 01/07. Glen Rock Police was assisted with traffic control by Fair Lawn Police and the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division. The pressure cooker and another device found at the scene were both found to be harmless. An investigation is underway as to who left the devices and why.

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Unattended Backpack at the Boro Hall Train Station in Glen Rock Brings In the Bomb Squad

Unattended Backpack at the Boro Hall Train Station in Glen Rock Brings In the Bomb Squad

photos courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook Page

October 18,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, An unattended backpack found at the Boro Hall train station in Glen Rock just prior to 8 AM on Monday, 10/17 resulted in a response from Glen Rock PD, NJ Transit PD, and the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad unit. The backpack was determined to have been unintentionally left behind by a disabled patron and cleared after a bomb squad technician conducted an x-ray inspection. Train traffic was not disrupted by the incident.

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Suspicious Package Closes Broadway eastbound between 29th Street and Fair Lawn Parkway in Fair Lawn

Bergen County Sheriff's Office Bomb Squad Unit

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

Suspicious Package Closes Broadway eastbound between 29th Street and Fair Lawn Parkway in Fair Lawn

February 18,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, Broadway eastbound between 29th Street and Fair Lawn Parkway in Fair Lawn was closed to pedestrians and traffic for over one (1) hour late Wednesday night, 02/17 while Fair Lawn PD and the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad Unit investigated a suspicious package left in front of a vacant storefront near the corner of Broadway and 30th Street. An x-ray of the package taken by a Bomb Squad technician showed it to be harmless and the roadway was completely reopened just after 10 PM. Fair Lawn FD Companies 3 & 4, along with Fair Lawn EMS, were placed on standby during the incident as a precaution. The driver of a 4-door grey colored Cadillac Escalade who failed to stop for police officers directing traffic at the scene was apprehended a short distance away and later charged with DUI.

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