Bottle King to purchase Herold’s Farm property in Glen Rock
March 4, 2015, 4:34 PM Last updated: Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 6:17 PM
By Chris harris
staff writer |
The Record
GLEN ROCK — After more than 75 years on Fair Lawn’s border, Herold’s Farm and Garden Center on Prospect Street will soon have new ownership.
Bottle King agreed to acquire the 2.8-acre property in Glen Rock “a few weeks ago,” the liquor store chain’s president Ken Friedman confirmed Wednesday.
Friedman said as soon as the deal is finalized, the land will be “developed as a retail space,” and that Bottle King’s current location just across the street will be shuttered.
Ground could be broken at the site within months, Friedman said, adding that it will be “about a year” before the new store opens.
Friedman said Bottle King does good business in Glen Rock, which partly inspired interest in purchasing the land.