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Councilmember Perron Should Resign Immediately From The Central Business District Advisory Committee

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village Council created the Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC) in 2016 to work with the Village Council, business owners and residents to evaluate and initiate enhancements to the CBD.  This includes improvements to traffic flow and patterns, parking, pedestrian safety and the balance of commercial uses, while maintaining historic and aesthetic elements to create a more desirable, vibrant and memorable destination for all visitors.

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Ridgewood Council Women Continues to Spread Misinformation on Election Consolidation


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Blog has learned from several sources that newly elected councilwoman Pamela Perron is spreading misinformation about the initiative to consolidate local elections to November.  When questioned at meetings as well as in emails with various residents, she is unequivocal that residents will still get to vote on the School Board budget proposals . . .  sometimes.  When called to task on this, she spews various legalese, but does not amend her hard-line stand.

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