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Village of Ridgewood Christmas Tree Pickup Starts January 2nd

20190111 104137

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Christmas Tree Pickup , the Ridgewood Parks Division will be picking up Christmas trees, with a Tuesday/Eastside and Thursday/Westside pattern with trees being picked up on the Eastside of the Village curbside, not in the street on Tuesdays January  2nd , 9th, 16th, and 23rd. Trees will then be picked up on the Westside of the Village curbside, not in the street on Thursdays, January 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th.  Please remove all ornaments and lights from the Christmas trees and do not place the tree in a plastic bag.
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Village of Ridgewood: Due to the Weather Emergency Rear Yard Garbage Pickup Cancelled for Thursday

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, due to the ongoing very unhealthy air quality, on June 8, 2023, all garbage will be picked up curbside only. Please either put out your garbage (which must be in garbage containers) at the curb tonight or by 5 a.m. on June 8th. Garbage that is not at the curb will not be picked up until your next garbage pickup day.

Continue reading Village of Ridgewood: Due to the Weather Emergency Rear Yard Garbage Pickup Cancelled for Thursday

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The Annual Leaf Collection for the Village of Ridgewood is Underway

VOR LEAF FLYER 2022 scaled

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the annual leaf collection for the Village of Ridgewood is underway , Village crews began leaf collection on October 17th and finish up  on December 11th.

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Village of Ridgewood Curbside Pick Up Ordinance Proposal

grab and go

Village of Ridgewood Curbside Ordinance Proposal

Good afternoon,

At last night’s Council meeting, we introduced the basic ordinance for curbside pick-up, Ord. 3805, along with the ordinance that sets the fee at $100 per week, Ord. 3807. I attach them both here together
with the maps that Chief Luthcke and Sgt. Chuck drew up to show where the reserved spots could potentially be. In rough outline, businesses can join together with residents to underwrite a full day spot(s), pay
for 6 days, but the spot(s) would be reserved for 7 days as Grab & Go 15-minute parking that would be free to customers in cars. An occupant would have to remain in the vehicle, and idling would be limited to no
more than 3 minutes. Kathryn Schmidt and Paul Vagianos called in to stress the need for flexibility, to say that the program must be affordable, and that a half-day program would be more workable. Chief
Luthcke commented that requiring people to stay in the car excludes certain people unnecessarily. Mayor Knudsen said the CBD functions all day; therefore, to accommodate residents at risk for COVID-19, the reserved spots should be all day. Councilman Sedon said he would favor 4:00 to 9:00 p.m., but for now we should get this done. I also stated my support for passing these ordinances and amending them later if necessary, noting that 15-minute meters shouldn’t be moved.

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file photo by Boyd Loving


April 14,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Due to equipment failure yesterday, we are running about 1 day behind on our collection schedule. Please place your yard waste at the curb on your scheduled day. We will pick it up but we may be a bit delayed as we work to get back on our normal schedule.