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The Village of Ridgewood 2024 Leaf Collection Program is Underway

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the 2024 Leaf Collection Program begins this week. This flyer has been sent out to all Ridgewood residents outlining the dates when leaves should be placed curbside. Please keep mind these dates are leaf placement dates and leaf collection will occur in each area AFTER the last date listed in the window.

Continue reading The Village of Ridgewood 2024 Leaf Collection Program is Underway

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Reader Says, “The inappropriately named “leaf collection” program in Ridgewood is not being executed as it should be”


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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, residents not happy with this years Village leaf collection . Reader says ,  “The inappropriately named “leaf collection” program in Ridgewood is not being executed as it should be. I agree that the leaf fall has been late this season, but this is no reason to fail us in clearing the huge piles that now block our streets, and will soon block our drains.”

Continue reading Reader Says, “The inappropriately named “leaf collection” program in Ridgewood is not being executed as it should be”

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The Annual Leaf Collection for the Village of Ridgewood is Underway

VOR LEAF FLYER 2022 scaled

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the annual leaf collection for the Village of Ridgewood is underway , Village crews began leaf collection on October 17th and finish up  on December 11th.

Continue reading The Annual Leaf Collection for the Village of Ridgewood is Underway

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The Ridgewood Parks Division will be picking up Christmas trees, following the same schedule as last year

christmas trees

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, leaf collection is now completed in the Village.  Therefore, any leaves that may still be on your property must be held on your property.  Yardwaste collection will begin the second week of April.

Continue reading The Ridgewood Parks Division will be picking up Christmas trees, following the same schedule as last year

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Village of Ridgewood Yard Waste and Leaf Collection

yard work

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village of Ridgewood leaf collection is right around the corner, this is just a small reminder to residents . Details of the yard waste and leaf pick in the Village should be out shortly .

Continue reading Village of Ridgewood Yard Waste and Leaf Collection

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photo courtesy of ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp of Washington NJ, Under New Jersey’s Recycling Law, leaves must be composted. The Township’s composting facility will only accept bulk leaves, free of debris and branches. Residents are requested to place leaves at the curb for collection by the Township’s equipment in accordance with the ZONES and DATES below. CREWS WILL WORK FROM WEST TO EAST IN EACH ZONE. The second pass of each zone shall start after the completion of the first collection. All leaves are to be placed at the curb no later than December 8, 2019. To insure that you do not miss your scheduled leaf collection, please consult the following schedule and have your leaves at curbside by the dates listed below.  

Continue reading Twp. of Washington 2019 LEAF COLLECTION SCHEDULE BEGINS NOVEMBER 4
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Ridgewood Village Council Regular Public Meeting

Ridgewood Trainstation_theridgewoodblog


1.   Call to Order – Mayor

2.   Statement of Compliance with the Open Public       Meetings Act

3.   Roll Call – Village Clerk

4.   Flag Salute and Moment of Silence

5.   Acceptance of Financial Reports

6.   Approval of Minutes

7.   Proclamations

  1. Commemorate 100th Anniversary of Ridgewood’s     American Legion Post 53 and Honor its Mission    as a Patriotic Veterans Organization Devoted   to Mutual Helpfulness
  2. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 2019   Statewide Crackdown
  3. Declare September Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
  4. Declare September National Preparedness Month 
Continue reading Ridgewood Village Council Regular Public Meeting
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“No good deed goes unpunished in the Village of Ridgewood” Part 2


“My being conscientious about not placing leaves in street until placement day does not go unpunished.
On my block area A in front of Benjamin Franklin Middle School everyone has put their leaves out before the next placement date which is Nov. 23. Leaves blow in front of my driveway making a big mess.

Continue reading “No good deed goes unpunished in the Village of Ridgewood” Part 2

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file photo by Boyd  Loving

Heather A. Mailander , Village Manager

Ridgewood NJ, All residents have received a yellow postcard with the leaf collection program requirements. A copy of the postcard is attached to this E-Notice, so that you can print it out if you wish to do so. The leaf collection areas are based on yardwaste areas (A-D), with certain exceptions listed for Area D, during leaf season only. The leaf collection is currently on schedule. The schedule will be updated on the Village website,, as needed. Please click on the swirling leaf icon for more information. All areas have been picked up once and some are putting out their leaves for their second leaf placement, at this time.


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Updates on Ridgewood Parking Permits, Leaf Collection, Christmas Tree Pickup Dates, Village of Ridgewood Holiday Hours

Van Nest Sq

December 22,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village Manager Heather A. Mailander fired off more end of the year information in her latest’s E-Notice , In the notice she updated on Ridgewood Parking Permits, Leaf Collection, Christmas Tree Pickup Dates, Reand Village of Ridgewood Holiday Hours .


The 2018 Annual Commuter (Ridgewood Parking Permits – RPP) are now on sale at the Reception Desk in the lobby of Village Hall, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays. All applicants must bring their driver’s license and vehicle registration(s) for car(s) they wish to list on their permits, as the RPPs allow up to 3 cars on each hang tag. The RPPs allow commuters to park in designated Ridgewood parking lots without having to pay the parking meters. The following is a summary of the Ridgewood Parking Permits (RPPs) and their prices:

Premium RPP – $1,000 annual fee – allows Ridgewood residents to park in the Train Station lot, Hudson Street lot, Prospect Street lot, and all Ridgewood lots, including Route 17 Park and Ride lot. A maximum of 210 Premium RPPs will be sold, on a first come, first served basis. At this time, there are only 95 Premium RPPs left to be sold.

Non-Premium RPP – $750 annual fee – allows Ridgewood residents to park in Chestnut Street lot, North Walnut Street lot, Cottage Place lot, and Route 17 Park and Ride lot.

Park and Ride RPP – $750 annual fee – this price is for both Ridgewood residents and non-residents, and allows parking in the Route 17 Park and Ride lot.

Non-resident RPP in Central Business District – $1,500 annual fee – allows non-residents to park in the Cottage Place lot.

Ridgewood Resident Sticker – Free – All Ridgewood resident commuters who wish to park at the train station must bring in their driver’s license and vehicle registration(s) to obtain a free Ridgewood Resident sticker. Free Ridgewood Resident stickers will also be issued to all Ridgewood residents purchasing RPPs.

The Village will accept checks, cash, or credit cards (with a 3% transaction fee to the user) for payment.

There are also Central Business District (CBD) Employee stickers and hang tags that may be purchased by those who work in the CBD and allows parking at designated meters in the North Walnut Street and Cottage Place lots.

For more information, please visit our website:


As of December 21st, leaves are being picked up in Area D. It is anticipated that our crews will begin the third leaf collection in Area A, on Wednesday, December 27th. After Area A is completed, there will be a final collection through the entire Village, beginning with Area C, followed by Area D, Area B and Area A (which will be the fourth leaf pickup for each of these areas). All of these dates are weather dependent. All areas may put out their leaves from December 23rd through January 1st. You may bag your leaves in paper biodegradable bags and place them on your curb or bring leaves to the Recycling Center. The hours of operation at the Recycling Center are Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. If you bag your leaves, please call the Street Division at (201) 670-5585 and we will pick up the bags through February 28, 2018.


In an attempt to offer convenience and streamline efficiency within operations, the Parks Division has created a new schedule for Christmas tree pick-up in January of 2018.

This new schedule will follow a Tuesday/Eastside and Thursday/Westside pattern with trees being picked up from resident curbside on the Eastside of the Village on Tuesdays, January 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd. Trees will then be picked up on the Westside of the Village on Thursdays January 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th between the hours of 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Those residents wishing to drop off trees may bring them to the designated location at the Graydon Pool parking lot anytime from January 2nd – 25th, 2018.

For additional information please contact the Parks Division Office at 201-670-5565.


As a reminder, all Village offices will be closed on December 25th, December 26th, and January 1st, in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.

Wishing you and yours a joyous holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year!

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Ridgewood Police say “Leaf Me Alone”

December 19,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Police Department has been getting numerous inquiries from residents who were issued summonses for violating the Village leaf ordinance. The summonses were not issued by the Ridgewood Police Department they were issued by the Building Department’s Code Enforcement Officer. There are instructions on the back of the summons on how to contact the Municipal Court if you wish to plead not guilty. The direct number for the court is 201-670-5500 Ext 501.

“The most vocal comment heard from residents last year was on properties who did not comply with the schedule. Therefore enforcement will be vital to the Village’s success to improve this service. An enforcement agent will issue a summons to those that violate these guidelines” 

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Ridgewood ready to wrap up leaf collection

leaf me alone


As the winter solstice approaches, village trees are now nearly barren and another leaf collection season will draw to a conclusion.

The village is winding down its annual No Leaf Left Behind initiative in which leaves are collected from in front of residences by workers raking them into a pile and hauling them away.

It had been a particularly heavy leaf season during the past couple of months with 31,544 cubic yards of leaves already collected through Dec. 1. At that time last year, only 20,567 cubic yards had been collected, an increase of approximately 50 percent. The final round of leaf collection has begun with the final week occurring in Area D on Dec. 18 through Dec. 23.

Ridgewood has been described as a “very leafy town” with an annual collection of 32,000 to 35,000 yards of leaves on 95 miles of road.

This year’s biggest challenge was the amount of leaves that fell after a particularly heavy rainstorm in mid-November. Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld said it caused a shift in the schedule.

“I remember walking out of my house and thinking ‘I can’t believe all of the leaves that are out here,'” said Sonenfeld.

In an e-notice sent out to residents, Sonenfeld did note the unusually heavy fall of leaves early in the season. A significant amount of leaves fell in that two- to three-day period after the storm causing some delays, but also made for an easier time of collecting leaves toward the end of the season.

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Village of Ridgewood Leaf Collection Update

leaf me alone

Leaf Collection Update

Updated Information on Leaves from Ridgewood DPW:

• Collection: We are still running three to four days behind. With the recent damage to the pusher catching up is going to be unachievable.

• Schedule: We are recommending a shift in the leaf schedule based on the following new dates:

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o Area A: Dec. 4 to Dec. 10

o Area B: No change

o Area C: Dec. 11 to Dec. 17

o Area D: Dec. 18 to Dec. 23

For further information: 201/670-5585

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Village of Ridgewood Leaf Collection Update

leaf3 pickup 12

file photo by Boyd Loving

Leaf Collection Update

Updated Information on Leaves from Ridgewood DPW:

• Collection: We are still running three to four days behind. With the recent damage to the pusher catching up is going to be unachievable.

• Schedule: We are recommending a shift in the leaf schedule based on the following new dates:

o Area A: Dec. 4 to Dec. 10

o Area B: No change

o Area C: Dec. 11 to Dec. 17

o Area D: Dec. 18 to Dec. 23

• Enforcement: There is no stopping enforcement at this point. For the remainder of this week enforcement will focus on Area B.

For further information: 201/670-5585

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file photo Boyd Loving


Every household will be receiving a flyer in the mail with 2015 leaf collection information. If you would like to print the flyer for your reference Click Here


Last year the Village of Ridgewood implemented a pilot program to outsource a portion of our leaf removal service. After reviewing and evaluating input that was provided by you regarding the success of this change, we again will be using the services of a third party contractor in Area B. The combined effort of the Village staff and this contractor will enforce our continuing commitment to improve your Village services.

In accordance with last years’ schedule, residents in Area B will remain the same with the exception of the following streets which will now be considered “Area D” for leaf season only.

Beechwood Rd. Unadilla Rd.

Carlton Terr. Valley View Ave.

Elm Ct. Waiku Rd.

Kemah Rd. Wastena Terr.

N. Monroe St. (house #108 – 412) Windsor Terr.

Palmer Ct. Woodland Ave. (house #116 – #223)

Sheridan Terr.

2015 DATES for collection are as follows:

Area A Area B Area C Area D

Oct. 19 – 22 Oct. 21 – 27 Oct. 23 – 28 Oct. 29 – Nov. 4

Nov. 5 – 10 Nov. 9 – 13 Nov. 12 – 18 Nov. 19 – 25

Nov. 30 – Dec. 3 Nov. 30 – Dec. 4 Dec. 7 – 11 Dec. 14 – 18

Dec. 14 – 18

Leaves must be placed directly in the street no more than 7 days prior to your scheduled pick up date. Please have your leaves in the street on the first day scheduled for collection. If you employ the services of a landscaper communicate these dates to them. No brush will be collected during leaf season. You may continue to bring leaves as well as brush to the Recycling Center. The hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Leaves can also be placed in paper biodegradable bags. Bags will be available at the Recycling Center on a first come, first serve basis. When using bags please place them on the curb area and they will be collected separately.

The most vocal comment heard from residents last year was on properties who did not comply with the schedule. Therefore enforcement will be vital to the Village’s success to improve this service. An enforcement agent will issue a summons to those that violate these guidelines.

As weather is a key component to this operation, if changes become necessary it will be posted on the Village of Ridgewood website. In addition you are encouraged to sign up for e-mail notifications via the Village website and to share this information with your neighbors. As a reminder, use caution when our leaf removal crews are on your block. When possible please take an alternate route to ensure the safety of all. Should you have any questions, please call the Street Division at (201) 670-5585.

Our motto is – “Leave” no leaf behind!

Thank you for your continued cooperation.