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“The Truth About Ridgewood” Facebook Page Developer Propaganda

Ridgewood Train station

April 23,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a reader points out that the Facebook site “The Truth About Ridgewood” is a censored page created by Ron Simoncini. He does PR work for the developers.

It is a censored site, only positive messages about the garage and high density housing. It supports Richard Brooks . It is creepy, written in the first person but it is difficult to locate Ron’s name. Thinks the lawn signs are great. He also thinks that residents have moved on from the parking issue and are now focusing on Graydon! In his dreams!

There is no positive dialog, just his PR ramblings. There are no Comments. Maybe the only comments were too negative so he censored them.

They did an email blast this morning. Don’t know where he got his mailing list but HS parents think that he may have used the school directory. Lots of unhappy recipients. Man he needs to hire a social media person.