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E. coli was detected in water serving Veolia customers in Fairview, Cliffside Park, Ridgefield, Edgewater, Fort Lee, Palisades Park and Leonia

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgefield NJ, the Veolia water system recently detected E. coli within the distribution system. As our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we are doing to correct this situation. A sample collected on July 19, 2022 and repeat samples collected on July 20, 2022, with results generated on July 21, confirmed the presence of E. coli.

Continue reading E. coli was detected in water serving Veolia customers in Fairview, Cliffside Park, Ridgefield, Edgewater, Fort Lee, Palisades Park and Leonia

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Senator Joe Pennacchio Says , “Plastic Bag Ban Bad Policy”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Joe Pennacchio said a ban on single-use bags approved by the New Jersey Senate today is bad public policy that will inconvenience consumers and put their health at risk.

“The bag ban is bad policy,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “It creates a major inconvenience for consumers, raises costs, has dubious environmental benefits, and raises serious health concerns.”

Continue reading Senator Joe Pennacchio Says , “Plastic Bag Ban Bad Policy”

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Map of "low zone" affected by Ridgewood Water Boil water alert

April 6th, 2017

Dear Great Friends on the Ridgewood blog ,

Information about Ridgewood Water safety has been discussed on major news channels, as well as in social media. Please read the following notice, in its entirety, so that you may understand the facts surrounding what has occurred.  The safety of consumers is paramount to Ridgewood Water, which is the reason behind actions which were taken.

Yesterday, April 5th, Ridgewood Water learned that a sample testing of raw, untreated groundwater resulted in a detection of fecal microbes. This sampling of raw water occurred prior to standard treatment and regular disinfection, before entering into the distribution system.   As a precautionary measure, the affected well was immediately shutdown. Further, a DEP technical requirement was implemented, requiring notification to consumers within the distribution area. Those registered for Ridgewood Water messaging, were notified via the Ridgewood Water reverse 911 list.

The timing of the consumer notification was based on the date of sample collection and subsequent results, which were reported to Ridgewood Water less than 24 hours later, on April 5th.  Ridgewood Water consulted with the New Jersey DEP and EPA on notice requirements.

The distribution areas covered by this notification include:

all of Glen Rock
Ridgewood south of Monte Vista and east of the rail line,
Wyckoff in the areas of Goffle Road, Hopper Ave, Ravine Court and Ravine Avenue
Midland Park in the vicinity of the Godwin Avenue shopping center, including the ACME Supermarket on Lake Street.

In order to be compliant with the DEP regulations, and in an abundance of caution, Ridgewood Water has advised that those consumers living in the distribution areas covered by this notification should use bottled water or boil water before using it. The boil water advisory will be lifted once RidgewoodWater receives favorable lab results from subsequent testing.  You can learn more about whether your area is affected by calling Ridgewood Water at 201-670-5520.

Kindly share this information with your friends and neighbors.

Heather A. Mailander
Village Manager
201/670-5500 x202

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Bottled Water flying off the shelves at Ridgewood Area Supermarkets

bottled water

April 6 2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Reader said last night  , “All Bottled Water flying off the shelves by the case fulls at 2 supermarkets this evening in Glen Rock and Ridgewood/Paramus. Wondered why, the shoppers, said they got a phone call from their schools saying everyone was to have their child bring their own bottled water to school for tomorrow, also, to bring the bottled antibacterial hand soap. Shopping carts were to the brim with cases of bottled water and shelves going bare. Stock workers in both stores were bringing out more loads to put on shelves, as cases were given directly to people waiting for the bottled water.”

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E. Coli in Ridgewood Well Prompts Boil Water Alert


April 6,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,first and foremost there is NO E.COLI OUT BREAK ! At Wednesday night council meeting Ridgewood Water assured the council that all the proper steps are being taken to have the well back on line by as early as Friday .

From the village website – wells monitoring and tests –“Ridgewood will perform weekly raw water monitoring at the two Group 1 wells for the presence of fecal coliform, e. coli and turbidity.”
List of wells locations –“One Group 3 raw water sample collected prior to disinfection from Wortendyke Well #6 indicated potential evidence of vulnerability to fecal contamination. However, water from this well is already being treated to achieve 4-log removal of viruses.”

“This well was removed from service pending further evaluation. All subsequent samples collected from this well have indicated negative for fecal contamination vulnerability indicators. No evidence of potential vulnerability to fecal contamination was observed at any other Group 3 wells”

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Boy, 4, makes miraculous recovery at New York hospital after complications from E. Coli


Boy, 4, makes miraculous recovery at New York hospital after complications from E. Coli

The LaRose family might never know what infected their son, Jake, with the condition that nearly killed him. In an exclusive to the Daily News, Jake’s mom Kimberly discusses her family’s terrifying ordeal.

BY Meredith Engel
Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 4:56 PM

Jacob LaRose almost didn’t make it to pre-K.

The little boy, 4, was sidelined for much of the summer after contracting a rare complication from E. Coli.

E. Coli, a bacterium, is naturally present in our large intestines, according to Dr. Bruce Greenwald, one of Jake’s doctors and the chief of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Komansky Center for Children’s Health at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

But Jake must have eaten something that introduced a harmful strain of the bug, E. Coli O157:H7, into his body. A common source is undercooked hamburger meat, Greenwald said. Symptoms caused by this alternative strain of E. Coli include fever and bloody diarrhea.

And to make matters much worse, Jake developed a scary complication, hemolytic uremic syndrome, that nearly killed him.

HUS happens when E. Coli O157:H7 enters the digestive tract and releases toxins, which then get into the bloodstream and destroy red blood cells. Affected patients can go on to develop anemia, low platelets and kidney complications. It affects about 1 to 3 out of every 100,000 patients.

Jake’s mother, Kimberly LaRose, is still unsure just how her son, as well as 2-year-old daughter Hayden, came into contact with the bug. Both Hayden and Jake fell ill with diarrhea in March, but when their pediatrician noted how sick Jake looked, the family took him straight to the ER.

They didn’t leave until Memorial Day weekend.

Jake initially was treated at Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, New Jersey, near his home in Clifton. Three days after entering the hospital, he was transferred to New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center because doctors realized he not only had E. Coli, but HUS, which caused his kidneys to fail. Jake was put on continuous dialysis.