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Reader says This is a full court press against Trump and his plans to protect American citizens


The BF principal sent out via email a letter with a similar message, and some of the same tone and specific language, under his own signature. The deacon in the local Roman Catholic parish went “political” on this issue this past Sunday morning during the homily of the mass, with a predictable message (take in all who wish to come here, don’t you dare say no to anyone). The new archbishop of the Newark Archdiocese, now of Cardinal rank, was given space in the weekly printed missalette of the local parish (and presumably all other parishes), which he used to spread a similar highly politicized message, pushing the discredited “walls are bad” message of the elite globalists. This is a full court press against Trump and his plans to protect American citizens.

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Why family is making a full-court press to get daughter on boys basketball team


By Tom Haydon | NJ Advance Media for
on December 23, 2016 at 8:00 AM, updated December 23, 2016 at 10:36 AM

KENILWORTH — As a sixth-grader last year, Sydney Phillips earned a spot on the girls basketball team at St. Theresa’s School in Kenilworth. By the end of the season, she was picked as an all-star player.

This year, however, Phillips learned in October that St. Theresa’s was dropping the team because not enough girls were interested. Phillips and her parents quickly approached the school, seeking some options and finally requesting their daughter be allowed to play on the boys team.