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Reader says Kindness, compassion, tolerance, love, sharing, tenderness and the willingness to extend a hand to pick a person up

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

To all of you who keep commenting and posting as anonymous, why are you posting that way? Here is an example of what I, Dana Habernickel Koenig, feel about the way the world is going:
It is so sad and I see grown up bullying – all around us – A perfect red carpet rolled out for our kids to follow suit. It is disgraceful. If people are unhappy with themselves, they seem hell bent on pushing someone else down instead. Kindness. That is what we all need to model for our kids. Kindness, compassion, tolerance, love, sharing, tenderness and the willingness to extend a hand to pick a person up, not so shove another down.

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John Locke on Religious Tolerance

john locke

Locke said tolerance was the chief characteristic of the true Christian.

Jon Miltimore | June 14, 2016

John Locke (1632-1704) was one of the most influential thinkers of the Enlightenment. The English philosopher’s ideas are at the core of the American Founding; in fact, it can be argued that his thoughts shaped the minds of the American Revolution more than any single thinker.

While Locke is best known for his treatises on government, he also wrote on religion.

Locke was a Christian who grew up during the Thirty Years War (1638-1648), one of the most destructive conflicts in Europe’s bloody history. The war was largely a religious conflict, the product of the Protestation Reformation that divided European states into more than a thousand Protestant and Catholic states.

The conflict no doubt shaped Locke’s views and Christian philosophy.

A deeply religious man, Locke made the case for religious tolerance in a famous letter he wrote in 1689 titled “A Letter Concerning Toleration.”

“Since you are pleased to inquire what are my thoughts about the mutual toleration of Christians in their different professions of religion, I must needs answer you freely that I esteem that toleration to be the chief characteristic mark of the true Church.”

Locke said Christian tolerance (“charity, meekness, and good-will in general”) should be extended to all people, not just fellow Christians, and those who fail in this regard fall “short of being a true Christian himself.”

By what authority does he draw on to make this claim? The New Testament.

“If the Gospel and the apostles may be credited, no man can be a Christian without charity and without that faith which works, not by force, but by love.”

Locke closed his essay by stating that Christians seeking to advance the Christian Church through “arms that do not belong to the Christian warfare.”

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Ridgewood’s “Tolerance” Police set the Record Straight

Nazi's in Paris

You’re using that word wrong.

“Tolerance” as a social virtue is a relatively recent concept and specifically refers to the quality that is the opposite of bigotry.

“Tolerance” is not the same as niceness or politeness, though it can accompany those traits.

People who stand for tolerance stand against bigotry. And people who stand against bigotry may absolutely be angry, and even rude. They may have no time or patience for bigotry. They are still standing against bigotry. The concept of tolerance does not include “tolerating” bigotry.

Please remember this before you again pull out the tired trope of “you’re not putting up with my bigotry, therefore you’re intolerant.”

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Reader says This is a full court press against Trump and his plans to protect American citizens


The BF principal sent out via email a letter with a similar message, and some of the same tone and specific language, under his own signature. The deacon in the local Roman Catholic parish went “political” on this issue this past Sunday morning during the homily of the mass, with a predictable message (take in all who wish to come here, don’t you dare say no to anyone). The new archbishop of the Newark Archdiocese, now of Cardinal rank, was given space in the weekly printed missalette of the local parish (and presumably all other parishes), which he used to spread a similar highly politicized message, pushing the discredited “walls are bad” message of the elite globalists. This is a full court press against Trump and his plans to protect American citizens.

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Eric Holder’s Airbnb Runs Controversial #WeAccept Multiculturalism Ad


AirBnB says you may not be as “Tolerant” as you say 

by JEROME HUDSON 6 Feb 2017506

The tens of millions of Americans watching Super Bowl LI Sunday night were treated to a politically-charged advertisement from home-sharing company Airbnb, which launched its #WeAccept ad campaign with a 30-second spot highlighting diversity and multiculturalism.

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“Tolerance” : the New Fascism in the Village of Ridgewood

Women's March on Washington

and if you dont agree  you should move says poster!

Is this Kellyann? Good grief. I feel sorry for your kids and husband. You sound nasty. If you don’t like it then MOVE! We voted by an overwhelming majority in our town for Clinton/Gottheimer. We would love for your kind to move the heck out of town.

you brought a smile to my face.
You were able in only 4 sentences to exhibit exactly what is wrong with the liberal/progressive/democrat thinking.

How funny that your “side”, as you put it “WE”, will tolerate every other group in the USA BUT not the conservatives.

Wow, how quickly you resorted to calling names (nasty), making it personal (husband and kids) and telling me to move out of town.

What if I told you I was a black, gay, Syrian refugee – would you change your tune?

What if I told you I was an old white male christian?

I think your tolerance or respect of my opinion is not based on my humanity but based on your party platform.

I am guessing you think that your politics make you and your party the better people

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Readers Debate Limits of Self Expression for Ridgewood blog Comments

coffee blogging

“You DID NOT originally say that “everyone can make their points without the use of foul or derogatory comments” (which btw who is the arbiter or what is and is not ‘foul’ and ‘derogatory’ – you?). Nor did you originally say that this language is a “part of free speech and legally permitted”. Nor did you ASK that people use language that doesn’t deliberately attack other people.
What you DID say was:
1. A comment “should be deleted“ to “Do the right thing
2. Using the blog to “display discriminatory comments is not a justified use“
3. People can “say the worst things about people without using language that should be banned“
These statements are very clear and very specific –
– DELETE comment
– NOT justified
– should be BANNED
For someone who is so keen on language use (and has established herself to be the arbiter in this area), to come back with revisionist language: (” Of course they are part of ‘Free Speech” and are legally permitted”; ” I’m just asking that people use language that doesn’t deliberately attack other people) is disingenuous at best and reveals you to be someone who is quick to criticize and judge others but is above criticism and error and not to be held to your own standard.”

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Pale Acceptance


July 18,2016

By Mac Bogert

I was working with a leadership development group on the topic of conflict (one of my favorites, since I grew up in a family that didn’t have conflict HAHAHA). Rarely do I use another person’s slides, but that’s how this one worked out.

I put up a slide—which I’d missed seeing somehow—that suggested we “develop a tolerance for others’ beliefs and norms.” My first thought was “How the *&$# did I miss this awful slide?” I was immediately glad I did miss it. Words are important. The class took a turn into what I always hope for—chaos, our greatest ally for learning. Some of them were offended by the word tolerance, some couldn’t understand what was wrong.

Tolerance is one of those words we throw around, like empowerment, another of my least-favorite buzzwords.Empower is a transitive verb, which means we do it to people. When I brag about empowering my employees or my students (or my children), I’m highlighting my own power: If I DO IT to them, who really has the power? I direct the folks I coach to reframe the idea as power sharing, which you don’t do to people but with people. When we speak differently, we think differently.

The root meaning of tolerance is a person’s ability to bear pain. So if I proudly proclaim how tolerant I am, I’m citing my ability to bear the pain of others’ differences. I heard a politician talking about England’s decision to leave the EU, and he suggested “we need to be better at tolerating each other’s differences.” Ouch. I don’t think he even considered what he was saying.

Tolerance is condescending. It’s most often touted by the dominant group within a culture, organization, or bureaucracy (like school systems), seldom by those on the receiving end of the you’re different stick. We only need to tolerate differences if those differences cause us pain. Why should any teacher, supervisor, or trainer ever think that tolerance is anything but divisive? Being on the receiving end of pale tolerance isdownlifting (the opposite of uplifting).

Let those of us with apparent power, especially when we’re responsible for leading others, start to embrace, and practice,acceptance. I’m a recovering English teacher, so words fascinate me enough to really pay attention. Acceptance evolved from words meaning to receive willingly. How much more powerful and inclusive is that than pale tolerance? I tolerate yourdifference, I accept our difference. Which position promotes better understanding?

After a time, when we grow comfortable with acceptance and see how much better we start to learn from others and they from us, we can progress to celebrating our differences. And that word’s deepest meaning is assemble to honor.

What if our workplaces celebrated our differences? What if schools moved from the industrial/assembly line tolerance of difference to a celebration? I listen to students all the time, and they feel the condescension of pale tolerance from their teachers and administrators, as do the people I coach in the adult work place.

When we start changing the language we use, our understanding will follow. Acceptance and celebration are for people. Tolerance is for injuries.

BTW, the class agreed to change the slide to acceptance. It was a turning point and well worth the chaos that got us there.

Mac Bogert is the founder of AZA Learning, which provides leadership coaching and learning-design support to 200 clients nationwide. His latest publication is “Learning Chaos: How Disorder Can Save Education.” The book explores the disconnect between what schools do and how people learn. In it, Bogert suggests concrete steps to remove barriers to learning in schools and training centers.

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Another Illustration That Tolerance Does Not Extend to Faithful Catholics



Another Illustration That Tolerance Does Not Extend to Faithful Catholics

By: Msgr. Charles Pope

In another show of selective tolerance from the cultural radicals, there comes the following story, as related in Crisis Magazine. Here are some excerpts from the article:

In their zeal to protect students from any comments or opinions that may hurt their feelings, many professors [in this case at Marquette University] have created “safe spaces” in their classrooms—controlling all conversations in an effort to ensure that no one is ever offended …[Professor Cheryl Abbate]  made it clear that the classroom was not a [place for students doubting] the value of same-sex “marriage.” Such conversations had to be held in secret so as not to offend others … One student in the class decided to pursue this issue with Abbate after class … The student said: “I have to be completely honest with you, I don’t agree with gay marriage …”  Professor Abbate replied: “Ok, there are some opinions that are not appropriate, that are harmful.”

When the student replied: “If I choose to challenge this, it’s my right as an American citizen,” Abbate responded: “Well, actually you don’t have a right in this class … to make homophobic comments, racist comments, sexist comments … I can tell you right now, in this class homophobic comments, racist comments and sexist comments will not be tolerated. If you don’t like that you are more than free to drop this class.”

In the “safe space” Abbate has created, homosexual students have the right not to be offended … But, where does that leave faithful Catholic students? Is there a safe space for them? … For Abbate, it is uncontroversial to have a safe-space policy that is only safe for those who agree with her about the value of same-sex “marriage.”

In December, Marquette relieved Professor John McAdams of his teaching and other faculty duties for blogging about the Abbate incident. According to McAdams, the student involved in the confrontation with Abbate talked with him about the incident, and McAdams took to his blog, Marquette Warrior,  [N.B. Professor Abbate] had also written of the incident on her blog but was not disciplined for bringing the matter to light … [The full article is here: Crisis Magazine online: Catholicism is Considered Unsafe at Marquette]

Welcome to “tolerance” as defined by secular radicals. In their lexicon, “tolerance” is “your right, actually, your obligation to agree with me.” “Live and let live” means, “you have the right to live only where Isay and under the terms I set.” “Bigotry” applies only those speaking out against the classes they say are oppressed. “Phobes” (as in homophobes) are those who oppose their  agenda. “Hate” only exists against the classes they say are “protected” and that they have defined as “oppressed.” Apparently, it is not possible for religious or social conservatives to be the object of hate, since hate only comes from social conservatives. Or so it would seem from their behavior and policies. And very few will question them on this  due to the support of secular media and to the pressure to be politically correct.

Pope Benedict spoke frequently of the “tyranny of relativism.” Essentially, this means that when a culture decides there is no fundamental basis of truth (whether from Scripture or Natural Law), the result is that there is no real basis for discussion or resolution of issues. Thus, who “wins the day” is based not on reason but on who shouts the loudest and/or who has the most power, money, or political influence

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Mozilla CEO’s exit tests Silicon Valley’s tolerance

Mozilla - Brendan Eich

Mozilla CEO’s exit tests Silicon Valley’s tolerance

By Gerry Shih April 4, 2014 9:25 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Tech workers in Silicon Valley debated on Friday whether Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich got the comeuppance he deserved or was himself a victim of intolerance when he resigned under pressure this week amid outrage over his opposition to same-sex marriage.

Some, especially a dating website that had urged its users to boycott Mozilla’s popular Firefox web browser, cheered Eich’s resignation after less than two weeks as CEO of the nonprofit software company. Others viewed him as a victim and called his critics intolerant of people with different views.

Mozilla co-founder Eich, who invented the programming language Javascript, donated $1,000 in 2008 to support Proposition 8, which sought to ban same-sex marriage in California. Voters approved the measure, but it was struck down last June by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Eich did not respond to requests for comment on Friday, but he had posted an apology on his blog before he resigned for the pain his stance had caused. His views about gay marriage had been known within Mozilla for nearly two years, but controversy erupted after he was appointed CEO in late March.–sector.html