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Reader reminds us when residents who spoke their mind were accused of GRANDSTANDING

village council meeting

I will never forget Jan Phillips at the town meeting when she accused those who were speaking from their hearts against having that Godzilla garage built as GRANDSTANDING. I was one of those people. Not at that particular occasion, but several other town meetings. Residents standing for hours on busy weekday nights, for the opportunity to express themselves about what kind of future they want for the town they love. Our town, Ridgewood,

I attended a few of the civility meetings and felt that she kow towed to former Mayor Aronshon, excessively agreeing with everything he said.

I do not believe , from what I observed, that she is sufficiently objective to be the leader of a the Community Advisory Board, she is not sensitive enough to diverse opinions. In my opinion.

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Reverend Jan Philips accuses Ridgewood residents who were about to speak as GRANDSTANDING

Village Council Meeting

file photo by Boyd Loving Ridgewood Residents Grandstanding 

What was shocking to me was when Reverend Jan Philips at the beginning of the public comment session accused the Ridgewood residents who were about to speak as GRANDSTANDING.

My God, Reverend Philips, And you head the Civility Meetings.

The residents who attended and spoke had heartfelt concerns. They love Ridgewood and have a vision for Ridgewood and wanted to make that vision known.

They want to preserve the charming character of Ridgewood. So they took time out of their busy lives to stand in line for hours for the opportunity to express themselves. For the allotted time of FIVE MINUTES.

Jan Philips you accused the residents of not engaging in diaglogue. Please tell me Reverened what you meant by that. Residents are given five minutes to pour their heart out.

What should they do? Tell me. Tell me. Knock on the doors of the council people’s homes and demand a long discussion.

Jan Philips you are a disgrace to organized religion. You make people WANT TO leave the church. And they do.

But believe me MS. Philips, we still believe in God, and the love and tolerance God wants us to have for our fellow beings, the civility that God wants us to show to our neighbors. In spite of you.