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Teen Crashes Tesla Through Fence Tumbles Down Stream Embankment in Westwood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Westwood NJ, an 18-year-old driver crashed through a chain link fence and down a stream embankment after losing control of her Tesla sedan at the intersection of Mill Street and 1st Avenue, in Westwood late Tuesday afternoon, 05/23. Neither the driver nor her two (2) male passengers were injured in the mishap. Two (2) tow trucks were involved in recovering the white colored Tesla from its predicament. Westwood Police responded to the incident along with a Hillsdale EMS ambulance.

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Twp of Washington House Fire : “Ignited by paint or stain cans stored outside, basically cooking all summer in the heat and sun, which finally ignited”

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photos courtesy of Westwood fire department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp of Washington NJ, on Friday afternoon the Westwood fire department was dispatched mutual aid to Washington Township for a working house fire. Truck 1 was the first due truck company, due to Township still being trained on their new ladder truck. Truck 1 took the front of the structure and went right to work with 2 crews. While the first crew went up to the second floor to start opening up the ceiling the second crew laddered the building for multiple escape routes in case of an emergency. The interior crews made a good stop in the attic so the fire could not spread further into the house. Also on scene was Engine 1 and Utility 1 with manpower. Good job by all crews and good job to Twp of Washington Fire Dept. . – Bergen County with a quick knock on the main body of fire.  Pascack Road was closed in both directions (in front of Memorial Field) .

Continue reading Twp of Washington House Fire : “Ignited by paint or stain cans stored outside, basically cooking all summer in the heat and sun, which finally ignited”