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Ian Smith Campaign Wants Body Cam Video Released Immediately!


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Cinnaminson NJ, following published reports that Ian Smith, Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s Third Congressional District, was charged with DUI the campaign is calling on the Cinnaminson police department to immediately release all video of the incident.

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Judge Rules Bellmawr Gym can continue to operate Despite Executive order to Remain Closed

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Bellmawr NJ, Ian Smith and Frank Trumbetti  appeared before a judge on Monday and the judge ruled that they can continue to keep their doors open.

The owners of a Bellmawr gym who were in violation of Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order to remain closed had first closed in March under a statewide emergency order, the gym opened without permission on May 18 and then padlocked by the state on May 22 under a court order.

Continue reading Judge Rules Bellmawr Gym can continue to operate Despite Executive order to Remain Closed