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CPA Says Tax Change Needed to Level the Playing Field for Small Businesses in Cannabis Marketplace


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Roseland NJ, On Feb. 22, Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation that legalized marijuana for adult recreational use, making New Jersey the first in the region and the 13th state in the nation to do so. That was step two in allowing cannabis sales to proceed in New Jersey. The final step will be adoption of the regulatory framework that will be drafted by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission.

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Tax Change Needed to Level the Playing Field for Small Businesses, Minorities and Women in Cannabis Marketplace

green rows beautiful outdoor marijuana under frame1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

ROSELAND NJ, On Tuesday, New Jersey voters approved a constitutional amendment to legalize cannabis. That was just step one in allowing cannabis sales to proceed in New Jersey. Steps two and three will be the passage of enabling legislation and then the regulatory framework that will be drafted by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission.

Continue reading Tax Change Needed to Level the Playing Field for Small Businesses, Minorities and Women in Cannabis Marketplace