Updated February 17, 2017
Posted February 17, 2017
By Claude Brodesser-Akner |NJ Advance Media
One of the biggest challenges confronting New Jersey’s next governor will be how to stop the runaway train that is our state’s pension mess. The long-term pension hole is $44 billion — nearly $10 billion more than the state spends on everything in given year.
The hole was dug by politicians from both parties going back a quarter century, and governors over the past decade have failed to stem the tide.
With the primaries a few months away, we asked Democratic and Republican governor candidates for their pension fixes. Some said they’ll release their plans in weeks to come. Those with plans on the board propose everything from cutting public worker benefits and reinstating a millionaire’s tax to using legalized marijuana or a north Jersey casino as a pension cash cow.
Take a look at what they’re saying.