Completely tone deaf and out of touch with reality – Loncto and Fishbein wouldn’t even respond to a resident’s honest concern about these windows and their cost, just saying “We need them now”. Well maybe these out of touch redecorated aren’t up to the jobs they have, time to resign because we don’t need them now.
Tag: out of touch
Senator Bob Gordon (D-38) Out of Touch on Transit Issues
July 24,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, amazingly with what seems like a daily occurrence of commuter disasters Democrat Senator Bob Gordon shockingly declares NJ Transit ‘working pretty well’ ?
Senator Bob Gordon (D-38) is running for reelection this year is also serving as chairman of the N.J. Senate committee responsible for overseeing public transportation issues.
NJ TRANSIT Executive Director Steve Santoro called this summers Amtrak New York Penn Station track work , an “all-hands-on-deck effort to communicate with our customers,” Warning, “This will not be a normal commute for any of us including our customers, so we ask that you; stay connected to social media and our web page for the latest information; stay ahead by building in extra time for your commute; and stay cool and try not to lose patience”
Looks like Senator Gordon did not get the memo,but you would think the guy would read a paper or turn on a TV once in a while .
Reader says News Papers are Dying
file photo by Boyd Loving
The NY Times will likely always exist in some form, but it is fading in relevance. It’s dying for a number of reasons, but mostly, it’s dying because the trend in how people consume news is rapidly changing. It’s no different to record companies and record stores managing the music business. The Times keeps trying to sell itself through online subscriptions but people simply won’t pay a cent for it. News is easily available elsewhere for free. Same deal with lesser outlets, like The Record. The other main reason is its content. The liberal bias might work on the Upper West Side, but not in Preoria. America is predominantly right-of-center, and The NYT, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and a whole host of what’s known as the mainstream media is losing market share and dying.
Reader Predicts the Ridgewood News Will Fold
file photo by Boyd Loving
Don’t worry about it Boyd. The Ridgewood News is about to fold. The paper sucks. The editor is completely incompetent. Social media rules the news now. The election was driven by The Blog as well as facebook. All those stupid FB posts by Gail Price about her husband who was running for offce…..that helped kill his campaign. The FB posts by ditzy Hauck helped kill the campaigns of Price, Weitz, and Willet. The Blog provided the forum for people to reveal the truth. The Ridgewood News is basically becoming irrelevant now. We all rely on the internet to provide us with the news, the real news, the news as it happens.
And by the way, Boyd, thank you for letting us know that the shameless parking garage proponents are using their children as pawns.
“Nothing is more symptomatic of the GOP establishment’s death drive than their continued embrace of the presidential aspirations of a man who shrank the party in 2012.”
Clueless GOP establishment continues to flounder
Mittens: GOP Establishment Chooses Mount Romney as Hill to Die on
After President Jeb, President Walker, President Christie,President Kasich, President Ryan, and President Rubio, the Republican establishment is now turning once again to the Adlai Stevenson of the GOP – Willard Mitt Romney.
Perhaps nothing is more symptomatic of the GOP establishment’s death drive than their continued embrace of the presidential aspirations of a man who shrank the party in 2012.
But then, these are the same Republican elites who are determined to grant amnesty to 40 million future Democrats. So, obviously party expansion and broad national victories are not their priorities. How else do you explain their bizarre desire to board the S.S. Mittanic one more time?
A full recounting of the unmitigated disaster that was the Romney campaign is beyond the scope of this op-ed. But let’s cut to the chase. Mitt Romney lost because he was unpalatable to working class Americans.
Sean Trende of RealClearPolitics explained in detail how Romney lost the election in large part because he couldn’t win over white working class voters.
That wasn’t an accident. It was by design. An August 2012 op-ed by Matthew Continetti in the Washington Free Beacon outlined the Obama campaign’s “voter suppression” strategy “to disillusion white voters without degrees in the Rust Belt and Mountain West.” Obama calculated that these working class voters would make Romney president if they voted Republican by the same 30-point margin as they did in 2010, but if they were demoralized and alienated by the GOP candidate, they would hand the election to Obama by simply sitting it out.