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Ridgewood Icon ,Milan Pavlovic Owner of Country Pancake House Passed Away March 4th

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Icon Milan Pavlovic , owner of Country Pancake House, a loving husband of 54 years, proud father, and Ridgewood resident passed away on March 4, 2021. Service will be held at Feeney Funeral Home,232 Franklin Ave., Ridgewood on March 22th from 4-8pm with eulogy at 6pm. The Family of Milan Pavlovic says all are welcomed. Country Pancake House at 140 E Ridgewood Ave RidgewoodNJ 07450 is closed.

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Kings Food Markets : Maple is no longer just a condiment for pancakes

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October 16,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, This fall, classic pumpkin and apple flavors are being accompanied by the season’s newest trend, maple. Maple is no longer just a condiment for pancakes, it is now showing up in sauces and vegetables.

Kings Food Markets, a gourmet food market located Ridgewood, identified this trend and curated an array of recipes and cooking studio classes that incorporate all of the top fall flavors to put on your table, in addition to its store aisles.

Whether you’re looking for a unique take on traditional pumpkin and apple main courses, or, in search of an unconventional maple glaze (like Kings Own Organic Maple Syrup) to add to your meal, Kings’ chefs have hand-selected the below recipes and classes to try this season:

Kings’ Chef-Inspired Recipes:

  • Highlighting the season’s newest flavor profile, maple.

o   Maple Glazed Rib Roast

o   Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Salsa

o   Sockeye Smoked Salmon with Dill Sauce

  • Showcasing a unique spin on the tried and true pumpkin and apple favorites.

o   Caramelized Brussels Sprouts Apples Tofu

o   Pumpkin Sage Risotto with Spicy Italian Sausage and Broccolini

o   Beef Stew with Pumpkin and Root Vegetables

o   Apple Stuffed Chicken Breast

Kings also offers cooking classes at its Short Hills Cooking Studio

Kings’ Cooking Studio Classes:
Here’s a sampling of classes offered at the Short Hills Cooking Studio this month alone.

  • 10/15 – Fall Fish Class for Teens
  • 10/17 – Pumpkins! Kid Class
  • 10/20 – Fall Pie and Tart Classics
  • 10/24 – Mushrooms!
  • 10/27 – Hearty Soup