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Parking Enforcement Officers in Ridgewood resign – June 30 last day of parking enforcement until job openings are filled

Parking Ticker

the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, during Wednesday night’s Village Council Public Work Session, Village of Ridgewood CFO and Parking Utility Director Robert Rooney publicly announced that the Village’s only full-time Parking Enforcement Officer recently submitted her resignation effective June 30, 2023. Additionally, Ridgewood’s only part-time Parking Enforcement Officer just quit after being on the job for only 2 days.

Continue reading Parking Enforcement Officers in Ridgewood resign – June 30 last day of parking enforcement until job openings are filled

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No More Drivers License Suspensions For Unpaid Parking Tickets

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, effective January 1st you can no longer have your drivers license suspended for unpaid parking tickets . Previously it was mandatory for judges in the Garden State to issue license suspensions for misdemeanor offenses or failing to pay fines, but that law was repealed last year .

Continue reading No More Drivers License Suspensions For Unpaid Parking Tickets

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You Can Walk from an Assault Charge but Not a Parking Ticket

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Currently, New Jersey driver’s licenses can be suspended for failure to pay a traffic ticket or failure to show up in court to address the fine. The court notifies the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to suspend a person’s driving privileges until the debt is paid.

Continue reading You Can Walk from an Assault Charge but Not a Parking Ticket

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The Ridgewood Police Department is looking to hire a Part-time Parking Enforcement Officer

parking enforcement 2


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,The Ridgewood Police Department is looking to hire a Part-time Parking Enforcement Officer. Salary starting at $18.34/hour and will need to work evenings and Saturdays. Applications are available at the Police Dept., on the Police Dept. website and on Send resume, cover letter and application to Police Chief Jacqueline Luthcke, Ridgewood Police Dept., 131 N. Maple Ave., Ridgewood, NJ 07450 by February 10, 2020. All requested information can also be emailed to

Continue reading The Ridgewood Police Department is looking to hire a Part-time Parking Enforcement Officer

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Reader says Its the mindset here that we have no competition by other towns that is a huge disconnect


Attorneys first ? now that’s a big surprise….while all this is going down every day ,Glen Rock and 20 miles of route 17 stores offers 3 hours of free unmetered parking because they appreciate the business and don’t take their taxpayers to court because they were on line in the third store supporting a local small business in RIDGEWOOD just to grab some prescriptions and items that the family need to function every week,..Its the mindset here that we have no competition by other towns that is a huge you think that person last in line in parking court will ever come to shop again..unlikely..

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The beach towns most likely to slap a parking ticket on your car. A ranked list


file photo by ArtChick “snookie”

Updated July 15, 2017
Posted July 15, 2017

By Bill Duhart | For

Got any quarters? If you plan on parking for a day at the beach you’ll likely need plenty to feed the meters. And we all know what happens if your meter runs out and your car is still there— That’s right, parking tickets!

The truth is, you’re a lot more likely to get a ticket in some shore towns than others. We’ve compiled a list from state municipal court records for a year-long period in July 2015 to June 2016.

We’ve calculated how many tickets Jersey shore towns write per square mile and ranked them from 44, the least likely place you’ll get a shore ticket, to the No. 1 town for papering over cars.

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Reader says , Either pay the ticket or show up and sit through court


Same thing happened to me in Ridgewood, but I luckily used the Park mobile app to pay which does give you an emailed receipt as well as showing up on the Park mobile site. I called the violations bureau in Ridgewood and they told me to send in the receipt from Park Mobile which clearly showed that there was no violation which I did. I got a call from the Violations bureau that they reviewed it with police officer Chuck who supervises these tickets and was told I had two choices. Either pay the ticket or show up and sit through court. I went to court and after spending several hours was found not guilty by the Judge. There seems to be a problem when a clear mistake is made that officer Chuck doesn’t want to dismiss the ticket.

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Parking in Ridgewood

parking enforcement 1

April 13,2017

by  john doe


Ideas to improve parking in Ridgewood

1.  People are lazy and don\’t want to walk
2.  Make it costly for those who are lazy
3.  Start meters at 8am which means employees will have to move their cars more often
4.  Lower meter time on Ridgewood ave to 2 hours.  Plenty of time to run in and out of any store
5.  Change meters on north side of all side streets in core area to 2 hours to have shopper parking available
6.  Keep meters on south side of all side streets to 3 hours
7.  Hire additional staff for parking enforcement
8.  Assign one cop to daily meter duty
9.  Reduce size of each park mobile zone to avoid repeat parking enforcement
10.  Increase fines for repeat parking: 1-3 tickets  $25.00     4-6  $50.00  7-10  $100.00  11-15  $200.00  16+ $400.00
11.  Use technology – equip one police car with license plate readers to enforce repeat parking – this way meter people would only deal with overtime parking
12.  Make those employees who repeat park pay.

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nope not this guy!
April 1,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood police say scammers are sending out emails to motorists claiming they’ve received a bogus parking ticket.�Fraudsters are using this sample of an email below:

28-182 – Loading zones and handicapped parking Required to appear in court�Parking ticket number information: PDN7319091 Check parking fine
To pay your parking fine, download your fine and choose one of 2 convenient ways: 1. Online (Link)�Pay online by Visa or Mastercard, $2 processing fee.�2. By phone (automated system) Pay by Visa or Mastercard at (866)561-9742
Best regards,�Police Department.�Parking Citation Revenue The criterion appropriateness is $68. Some ($17.50 championing m abuses , and $12.50 championing unlisted violations) goes to agreement and county costs and the butt end ($45.50) goes to the city\’s accustomed function to recompense championing animated town aids, adding policemen and pom-pom. There are additional parceling elsewhere championing fix-it awards and incapacitated parking violations.Late costs typically artifact the charge of a parking ticket. To disposition alone abeyant disciplining, we committed to get your expenditure within 21 days of the day- after-day the appropriateness was issued, or 14 days from the day-after-day of the first overdue notice.

The Ridgewood Police Department would like to remind the public that at no time would we or the Parking Enforcement Unit issue a summons or make notifications through email.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Ridgewood Police Department to ensure you’re not becoming a victim of these scams.  Call (201) 652-3900

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Reader says Ridgewood’s parking enforcement crew will be licking their chops as they rack up more tickets


The parking enforcement crew will be licking their chops as they rack up more tickets .lf they lose more new business and visitors every week than any perceived lack of peak parking .its by design ..a canard…mismanagement run amuck..god forbid a visitor to the town doesn’t park nose in…they fix their wagon…big fat welcome to parking hell.. Fines …and don’t let the door hit you on your A…

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Reader say Ticket Blitz Hurts “Ridgewood Sale Days “


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Ridgewood sale days under attack by aggressive parking police .witnessed this last Friday at 12 15 aside the book store cottage place.

Merchants should look into this interms of a ticket amnesty for mid day to 6 pm for special Ridgewood sale days .try to get over ourselves RIDGEWOOD good will be remembered forever…parking tickets on sale days guarantee no repeat visit by that out of Towner…why would they come back..give them a thank you for coming flyer waiver reminder if the Meters can’t be waived.

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the Ridgewood blog Village Parking Primer

photo of Chestnut street
August 1,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blogRidgewood NJ, the Ridgewood blog has spent the last couple of months talking to merchants,  residents, readers, and insiders in order to get to get a full picture of the parking problems the Village faces. We boiled down the responses to the simplest terms.

Employee parking : At 930 am Chestnut street is full of parked cars , none of the stores are open so one can only assume employees are parking in all the spots,

Ken Smith Employee parking : Most feel $80 bucks a month  seems a bit stiff for restaurant and retain workers .

Meter parking enforcement hours : Merchants felt their customers were paying for parking while restaurant guests were not . Some suggested longer meter hours , say till 9 pm with a reduction in parking rates as a way  to better spread out the pain.

Valet Parking :Many merchants felt about all the Valet parking only added to the parking problems taking even more spots away from potential customers as well  as the general disrespectful attitude or the employees or the Valet Parking companies.

Parking App: Many felt the over 55 set would be resistant , and almost everyone felt it eliminated the quick in and out shoppers by making parking to much work as well as the App made parking even more expensive.

Garage Location : While many merchants liked the idea of a garage they also voiced concerns about the location and the anticipated traffic tie ups when parkers enter and exit.

Garage : NJT Commuters from other towns would take the spots and add nothing to the local economy except more congestion.
Taxpayers : Almost everyone asked why aren’t developers , NJT, merchants and restaurants contributing  to paying for parking , they are ones benefiting.
Parking fees : Many felt Ridgewood was pricing itself out ,with fees being to high .