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Paramus NJ, impatient drivers coming out of Stevens Court, Paramus every day who want to go east bound on Ridgewood Avenue take a chance & dash across in front of west bound traffic on Ridgewood Avenue and then slot into east bound traffic (see photo). This works most of the time but not always. I saw a car quickly cross & enter east bound traffic during rush hours from Stevens Court get hit on right side by van changing lanes to let a car out on his right ahead of him coming from Paramus Firehouse Lane, he must have thought the car from Stevens Court dropped from the sky.


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Street Signs that Are Just too Small in Ridgewood & Glen Rock

IMG 5093 rotated e1677672235291

by Frank Geraghty

Glen Rock NJ, small road signs over intersections are not only annoying to motorists but can cause a problem. In Glen Rock a motorist driving from the post office along Glen avenue who stops at Rock road is confronted by a small sign above the intersection which is not easy to read because it is small “NO TURN ON Red 7A–6P  Mon —Sat.”  According to the FHWA it only suggests placing such a sign on crossbar near the signal. It clearly states that that this recommendation is just a guidance,not a requirement. This confusion can be eliminated by a much bigger sign placed on the right corner next to “DO NOT BLOCK” where motorists can read it.

Continue reading Street Signs that Are Just too Small in Ridgewood & Glen Rock

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“No Turn on Red” is the Answer for East Ridgewood and Van Dien Intersection

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a reader has been making the rounds in the Village of Ridgewood and pointing out , blind turns , dangerous intersections, bad signage and roads in need of repair . South bound traffic on Van Dien  Avenue at the East Ridgewood Avenue intersection, next to Ridgewood High School .

Continue reading “No Turn on Red” is the Answer for East Ridgewood and Van Dien Intersection

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NJ State Police Deploy Additional Patrols Statewide for July 4th Holiday Weekend

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
West Trenton NJ, the New Jersey State Police would like everyone to enjoy their holiday weekend as the State continues to open after the COVID-19 pandemic. With residents celebrating Independence Day for the first time in two years, we understand that everyone wants to reconnect with family and friends whether at a barbecue, driving to the Jersey Shore, or spending time on the water. We would like everyone to dust off their safety playbook and give it a read before heading out for the holiday weekend.

Continue reading NJ State Police Deploy Additional Patrols Statewide for July 4th Holiday Weekend

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Study : Most Dangerous Roads in New Jersey


photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, with companies looking to bring their employees back into the office, the workforce has many factors to consider. Traffic safety is important to consider as people travel on roads and highways. Surprisingly Route 17 , 208 or 4 did not make the list .

Continue reading Study : Most Dangerous Roads in New Jersey

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No More Drivers License Suspensions For Unpaid Parking Tickets

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, effective January 1st you can no longer have your drivers license suspended for unpaid parking tickets . Previously it was mandatory for judges in the Garden State to issue license suspensions for misdemeanor offenses or failing to pay fines, but that law was repealed last year .

Continue reading No More Drivers License Suspensions For Unpaid Parking Tickets

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Ramon Hache , “I hope the Ridgewood Council will listen to the input from residents and will decide on responsible development that will preserve the character of our town while improving traffic safety

Ramon Hache ridgewood NJ

march 23,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Council candidate Ramon Hache also shared his feeling on the high density meeting tonight , “I think tonight’s meeting is unfair to residents. There are two major decisions on the agenda tonight. Having two major topics on the same agenda will cause the meeting to go until early Thursday. The issues should have been split onto two agendas.”
First Ramon commented on the Hudson Garage ,”I hope the Council will vote to bond the garage ourselves. The newest design option, although not perfect, represents a compromise between residents and the Council.  The original proposed size and footprint of the garage were simply too large.”

Then Ramon followed up on the high density housing, “The Council will vote on the proposed housing density of 35 UPA.  I understand the need to develop the proposed sites but I would like to see mixed use, and a density of between 20 and 24 units per acre, more in line with the total average throughout the CBD. Although the recent study by BFJ suggest there would be minimal to no impact to the schools, Ridgewood is known for its schools and exceptional educational programs for special needs children. Therefore I would be cautious to rely on the student enrollment projections alone, which did not take into account the higher cost of special needs programs.
Ideally, I would rather see us approve one of these zoning changes first, to see how it goes.  We would get real-world data while providing a good ratable which we need to finance the things we need and to stabilize property taxes.”

Ramon emphisized, ” These are very important issues that will have an enduring impact on the future of our community. I encourage residents to attend the meeting. I hope the Council will listen to the input from residents and will decide on responsible development that will preserve the character of our town while improving traffic safety.”

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No single leaf left behind, but massive piles to dodge at night are


photo by Boyd Loving

No single leaf left behind, but massive piles to dodge at night are
November 13,2014
Boyd A. Loving
6:57 PM 

Ridgewood NJ, At least six (6) massive piles of leaves pushed into place by a Village street sweeper on Wednesday afternoon were left overnight on South Irving Street between Spring and East Ridgewood Avenues.  At each pile, one-half of the street surface is completely blocked.As you might expect, driving a vehicle, hazardous enough as it is already on such a poorly lit roadway, has been made even more hazardous thanks to these massive obstacles.

Was it absolutely necessary to create this piles knowing that they would likely be left in place overnight?

photo by Boyd Loving

As you may have heard in our continuing efforts to improve services, a new leaf removal program will begin with the upcoming leaf season. The preponderant portion of Area B will be outsourced to a private contractor for the removal of leaves. This change is being implemented so that our resources can be better utilized by providing more manpower and extending collection times in all areas to achieve the services that Ridgewood residents deserve.

Residents in Area B will remain the same with the exception of the following streets which will now be considered “Area D” for leaf season only.

N. Monroe St. (house #108 to #412)

Valley View Ave.

Elm Court

Wastena Terr.

Beechwood Road

Waiku Road

Unadilla Rd.

Palmer Court

Kemah Rd.

Woodland Ave. (house #116 – #223)

Carlton Terr.

Sheridan Terr.

Windsor Terr.

NEW dates for collection are as follows:

Area A: Oct. 20 – 23, Nov. 6 – 13, Dec. 1-5

Area B: Oct. 22 – 28, Nov. 6 – 12, Nov. 24 – 28, Dec. 11 – 17

Area C: Oct. 24 – 29, Nov. 14 – 19, Dec. 8 – 12

Area D: Oct. 30 – Nov. 5, Nov. 20 – 26, Dec. 15 – 19

Leaves must be placed directly in the street no more than 7 days prior to your scheduled pick up date. Please have your leaves in the street on the first day scheduled for collection. No brush will be collected during leaf season. You may continue to bring leaves as well as brush to the Recycling Center. The hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Leaves can also be placed in paper biodegradable bags. Bags are available at the Recycling Center on a first come, first serve basis. When using bags please place them on the curb area and they will be collected separately. As weather is a key component to this operation if changes become necessary it will be posted on the Village of Ridgewood website. In addition you are encouraged to sign up for e-mail notifications via the Village website. As a reminder, please use caution when our leaf removal crews are on your block. When possible please take an alternate route to ensure the safety of all. Should you have any questions, please call the Street Division (201) 670-5585.

Our new motto is – “Leave” no leaf behind!

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Give thanks, send smiles! Save up to 30% on your Thanksgiving Flowers & Gifts purchase at (Offer Ends 11/27/2014)show?id=mjvuF8ceKoQ&bids=216823

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Readers say the No Sidewalks Vote is a Huge lawsuit in the making if someone gets run over


Council reluctant to spend money on Clinton Sidewalks , after spending money on so many other seemingly worthless projects 

Readers say the No Sidewalks Vote is a Huge lawsuit in the making if someone gets run over

Huge lawsuit in the making if someone gets run over and a precedent setting decision for the next time someone doesn’t want a sidewalk built or replaced in front of their home or business.

Bad call by Sedon on this one. He will be blamed by the 3 numb-nuts when it blows up in all of their faces.

And Attorney Rogers – what is he thinking?

Well Council not following the recommendation of you department heads will really help us if some kid get hit and their parents sue but Albert knows that because(Wait for it) he’s a hotel attorney

This street is very close to the school and is used by many children who walk in the middle of the street because it closed. The center of the world is not at Roberts St. This is a safety issue plane and simple.

Pedestrian safety especially when it comes to children trumps tax payers who don’t want a sidewalk. Where is our Mayor with ADA. Am I to take my walker up the middle of the street. Our Mayor is full of hot air.

Children walking in the middle of a public street? What is this Council thinking? Oh, right – 32 votes.




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Glow-in-the-dark roads make debut in Netherlands

Smart Highway-glowing lines-Studio Roosegaarde

Glow-in-the-dark roads make debut in Netherlands
Studio Roosegaarde

Light-absorbing glow-in-the-dark road markings have replaced streetlights on a 500m stretch of highway in the Netherlands.

Studio Roosegaarde  promised us the design back in 2012, and after cutting through rather a lot of government red tape we can finally see the finished product.

One Netherlands   news report said, “It looks like you are driving through a fairytale,” which pretty much sums up this extraordinary project. The design studio like to bring technology and design to the real world, with practical and beautiful results.

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Road Warrior: Distracted driving crashes, deaths called an ‘epidemic’


file photo by Boyd Loving

Road Warrior: Distracted driving crashes, deaths called an ‘epidemic’

APRIL 14, 2014, 12:47 PM    LAST UPDATED: MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014, 7:33 PM

If you’re wondering why police at driver-inattention checkpoints are pulling over a record number of motorists as if they were stray cattle at a roundup, New Jersey’s chief law-enforcement officer offered a compelling reason Monday during a traffic-safety event in Paramus.

Driver inattention contributed to 1.4-million crashes during the 10-year period ending in 2013, said Acting Attorney-General John Hoffman outside Paramus Borough Hall as traffic whizzed by on nearby Route 17. The figure represents roughly half the road crashes reported by police during that period as captured in state Department of Transportation records.

It also includes 1,600 deaths, factors Hoffman described as an epidemic.

“We need to put an end to the epidemic… and close the book on the distracted driving decade,” Hoffman said. What troubled him most, he added, was the general perception that the epidemic “seems to be getting progressively worse.”

In 2004, distractions represented 42 percent of all road crashes, a figure that gradually rose to 53 percent last year, he added.

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