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No More Drivers License Suspensions For Unpaid Parking Tickets

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, effective January 1st you can no longer have your drivers license suspended for unpaid parking tickets . Previously it was mandatory for judges in the Garden State to issue license suspensions for misdemeanor offenses or failing to pay fines, but that law was repealed last year .

A study  published in October of 2020 suggested that in New Jersey, traffic safety violations are not the main reason for people getting their driver’s licenses suspended.

The findings, which will be published in the Journal of Transport & Health’s December issue, found more than 90% of suspensions in the Garden State are actually not related to traffic safety.
Suspensions are often more a result of other non-driving-related offenses, including failure to pay a fine or appear in court, the study suggests.
Using licensing information from the New Jersey Safety and Health Outcomes, researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Brown University compared the characteristics of “suspended drivers, their residential census tract, as well as access to public transportation and jobs, by reason for the suspension (driving or non-driving related)” from 2004 to 2018. The study found that 5.5% of New Jersey drivers had a suspended license in 2018– 91% of those suspensions had nothing to do with traffic safety.
The study also found that non driving suspensions disproportionately impacted low income neighborhoods  where non-driving-related suspensions were seven times greater in the lowest income neighborhoods compared to high income neighborhoods and five times greater in neighborhoods with the highest proportion of Black and Hispanic residents.

3 thoughts on “No More Drivers License Suspensions For Unpaid Parking Tickets

  1. Let me condense this for the few that don’t understand.

    There’s a segment of society that live reckless lives, and as a result, get ticketed. Instead of improving their behavior and taking care of the tickets, they disregard them. It’s all part of the dysfunctional, reckless life. The Government has come to the realization that there are far too many of these people, who end up in this downward spiral of consequences, which has included banning them from driving. This is too mean in this new age of BLM. So, the new normal now is to just let these lawless low-lives keep driving.

  2. You literally read none of the above article, at all, correct? Because your condensed version could not possibly be based on the information presented there.

  3. I will say in the shithole cities parking tickets are expensive and numerous.
    But then again, the shithole city residents keep voting for the shithole city leaders.
    The shithole city administrations will figure out a new way to get that fine revenue, probably by installing a boot on the shithole city residents car, until Trenton makes that illegal.

    Is this what the last throws of the Roman Empire looked like?

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