Same thing happened to me in Ridgewood, but I luckily used the Park mobile app to pay which does give you an emailed receipt as well as showing up on the Park mobile site. I called the violations bureau in Ridgewood and they told me to send in the receipt from Park Mobile which clearly showed that there was no violation which I did. I got a call from the Violations bureau that they reviewed it with police officer Chuck who supervises these tickets and was told I had two choices. Either pay the ticket or show up and sit through court. I went to court and after spending several hours was found not guilty by the Judge. There seems to be a problem when a clear mistake is made that officer Chuck doesn’t want to dismiss the ticket.
They will never be wrong as long as they force residents to spend hours in court. Most will pay the fine.
They should be forced to post it on their website. Let everyone know that they are not infallible (as they seem to think).
Maybe they should have a special court just for parking.
I will never use park mobile
Most people just pay the fine. If you go to court you will see they handle the cases where attorney’s are present first, then cases where people plead guilty, then cases where people plead not guilty and finally at the end of the night parking tickets. The Judge does an excellent job being as fair as possible and giving people the benefit of the doubt.
9:09..Attorneys first ? now that’s a big surprise….while all this is going down every day ,Glen Rock and 20 miles of route 17 stores offers 3 hours of free unmetered parking because they appreciate the business and don’t take their taxpayers to court because they were on line in the third store supporting a local small business in RIDGEWOOD just to grab some prescriptions and items that the family need to function every week,..Its the mindset here that we have no competition by other towns that is a huge disconnect..do you think that person last in line in parking court will ever come to shop again..unlikely..