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Swastika Discovered at Franklin Lakes Middle School Just Weeks After One Was Discovered at Ramapo High School

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Franklin Lakes NJ, Franklin Lakes grade school officials alerted families on Thursday via text that a swastika was discovered in a bathroom at Franklin Lakes Middle School earlier that day.

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Immediate Measures Taken by The Franklin Lakes Police to Mitigate Threat Made Against Ramapo High School

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Franklin Lakes NJ, in a press releases the Franklin Lakes police spelled out measures initiated against a threat made against Ramapo High School . “The Franklin Lakes Police Department was contacted by Ramapo High School Security regarding threats made by a student . Appropriate  measures were initiated and it was determined that no immediate threat to staff or students was present at that time . The ongoing investigation which included assistance from the Bergen County Prosecutors office resulted in multiple charges being filed on a juvenile complaint .”

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