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Swastika Discovered at Franklin Lakes Middle School Just Weeks After One Was Discovered at Ramapo High School

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Franklin Lakes NJ, Franklin Lakes grade school officials alerted families on Thursday via text that a swastika was discovered in a bathroom at Franklin Lakes Middle School earlier that day.

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Ridgewood Police Traffic Safety Bureau Reports Multiple Incidents Of High School Students Without a License Driving in an Unsafe Manor

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police Traffic Safety Bureau has had multiple incidents where we have made motor vehicle stops for unsafe driving and have found High School students without a license and in possession of only a permit. These students have been driving to and from school as well as driving around after school, without being accompanied by an Adult Supervising Driver, as required by law. After having conversations with the student drivers, as well as parents in the community and the school, we have found that this is considered an acceptable practice by some parents and students. We cannot stress enough how unsafe and illegal this is. We see an excessive amount of dangerous and risky driving associated with unlicensed drivers. We would like to take this opportunity to inform both the parents and the children the consequences of these actions.
Continue reading Ridgewood Police Traffic Safety Bureau Reports Multiple Incidents Of High School Students Without a License Driving in an Unsafe Manor