the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Franklin Lakes NJ, Franklin Lakes grade school officials alerted families on Thursday via text that a swastika was discovered in a bathroom at Franklin Lakes Middle School earlier that day.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Franklin Lakes NJ, Franklin Lakes grade school officials alerted families on Thursday via text that a swastika was discovered in a bathroom at Franklin Lakes Middle School earlier that day.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Westwood NJ, according to school officials ,Westwood Regional School District will reassess its policy on bias incidents, after a swastika was found earlier this month outside Brookside Elementary School in Westwood . The incident was brought up by parents at Monday night’s school board meeting, the first since the hate symbol was found fashioned out of twigs on the school grounds on March 13th.
Continue reading Glen Rock Student Finds Swastika Penned on Desk Top
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Glen Rock NJ, on the eve of Yom Kippur a Swastika graffiti was discovered on a desk at Glen Rock High School prompting an outcry of concern from local officials . School officials said the swastika was found “etched” onto a desk at the high school on Wednesday morning, and the desk was promptly removed from the classroom and a police report has been filed.
Continue reading Swastika Graffiti Discovered at Glen Rock High School on the Eve of Yom Kippur
The Mayor and Council condemn any and all acts of hate. Hate speech and hate in any form is not welcome in Glen Rock.
While the Superintendent and BOE are the appropriate lead on the response in the schools to this incident, we have offered our help and support in any way that they deem necessary.
In the wake of this incident, we urge our community to come together; for us all to speak with our children and our neighbors; to discuss the impact of our words and actions on others, whether or not the intent is malicious.
As a governing body, we will continue to work with the Superintendent and the schools as appropriate, to reinforce the culture of empathy and inclusion that is the hallmark of our community in Glen Rock
Mayor Bruce Packer
Council President Kristine Morieko
Council Member Michael O’Hagan
Council Member Amy Martin
Council Member Bill Leonard
Council Member Arati Kreibich
Council Member Mary Barchetto
courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook
May 7th,2017
the staff of the Ridgewod blog
Ridgewood NJ, For the second time in recent memory a Swastika has appeared in Ridgewood .
An ancient symbol in the form of an equal-armed cross with each arm continued at a right angle, used (in clockwise form) as the emblem of the German Nazi Party.
On March 6th a Swastika was found by resident Dana Glazer at the intersection of Northern Parkway and Overbrook Road. Yesterday Ridgewood PD Patrol Officers Kevin McKeon and Raymond Tarino investigate a Swastika found painted on the retaining wall of a home located at 658 Shelton Road in Ridgewood on the morning of Saturday, 05/06.
photo courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook page
March 7,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood Nj, Ridgewood PD Patrol Officer Salvatore D’Amico assists Detectives Douglas Henky and Steven Shortway in the investigation of a Swastika found etched in a sidewalk at the intersection of Northern Parkway and Overbrook Road, Ridgewood on Monday morning, 03/06. Ridgewood PD had learned of the Swastika via posts on numerous Ridgewood based Facebook groups.
Ridgewood Village staff quickly jumped into action and “Erased the Hatred” from the sidewalk.
Photo courtesy of Village of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen
JUNE 3, 2015, 8:24 PM LAST UPDATED: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2015, 8:47 PM
MIDLAND PARK – A prominent Muslim civil rights group (CAIR) is calling for the FBI to investigate an “act of hatred” in which someone carved a swastika into a wooden sign outside an Irving Street mosque on Memorial Day.
The New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations issued a statement Tuesday asking the FBI to investigate the carving of the 10-inch swastika and images of “male genitalia,” that appeared on the sign outside the Elzahra Islamic Center.
“These types of incidents should be investigated within the context of the rising level of Islamophobic sentiment in our society and treated with the seriousness they deserve,” said Nadia Kahf, the council’s board chairwoman, in a statement. “Public officials and interfaith leaders should speak out against acts of hatred and intolerance whenever they occur.”
Ibrahim Hooper, national communications director for the organization, said it was “incumbent” upon the FBI to look into the vandalism.
“If we were talking about just an isolated incident in a small community in New Jersey, that’s one thing. But unfortunately, we’re seeing a real spike in these kinds of incidents nationwide,” he said. “We see this incident as possibly part of that disturbing pattern.”
A spokeswoman for the FBI’s Newark field office said the bureau wasn’t involved in the investigation, and said it “looks like it’s being handled locally.”
The vandalism is being handled as a bias crime by borough detectives, meaning stiffer penalties could apply for whomever is apprehended and convicted, police Chief Michael Powderley said.
Finally! CAIR, Muslim American Society branded ‘terrorist’ by an American Arab ally