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Stealing Yard Signs and Intimidation Tactics Mar Ridgewood Village Council Election

sopranos watching superJumbo

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood blog is hearing from multiple sources that certain individuals are making the rounds threatening residents who have certain yard signs supporting certain candidates at their homes . The Ridgewood blog is hearing that some people are having political signs stolen from their front lawns. We have also heard that in some cases doorbells are being rung, and homeowners are being told why they should not vote for whatever candidate is represented on their lawn sign.

Continue reading Stealing Yard Signs and Intimidation Tactics Mar Ridgewood Village Council Election

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An Open Letter to Paul Vagianos – Owner of Its Greek to Me who is running for Ridgewood Village Council Election

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An Open Letter to Paul Vagianos – Owner of Its Greek to Me who is running for Ridgewood Village Council Election
As we all know that Paul Vagianos, who is running for Ridgewood Council Elections, is also listed as an organizer for the “feed the front lines” initiative, and his own restaurant was one of the recipients of this award (conflict of interest as an organizer? may be not).

Continue reading An Open Letter to Paul Vagianos – Owner of Its Greek to Me who is running for Ridgewood Village Council Election

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Ridgewood Village Council Election – May 8th, 2018

Vote Ridgewood NJ


May 8th 2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Village Council Election is today May 8th, 2018 ,Polls open 6:00am – 8:00pm .

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