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So who is Really financing Josh Gottheimer’s Campaign more Saudi wife beaters ,and disgraced ex-congressmen inquiring minds want to know ?

Joshua S

Josh Gottheimer’s Q2 FEC Report

July 12,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In advance of the release of Democratic candidate Josh Gottheimer’s second quarter Federal Election Commission report, the Ridgewood blog has a few questions that we think the media should be asking but will not about who is funding his campaign?

More Saudi wife beaters ,disgraced ex congressmen inquiring minds want to know ?

What percentage of his donors are in-state versus out-of-state?
What percentage of his donors are actually from New Jersey’s Fifth District?
Last year, The New York Times highlighted that one in six dollars Gottheimer raised came directly from the Clinton network. Is this still the case? Or is it even higher?

Voters in New Jersey’s Fifth District have a right to know who is funding Josh Gottheimer’s attempt to buy this congressional seat – and the New Jersey media has a responsibility to ask tough questions.

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Garrett Challenger Josh Gottheimer Faces New Questions for Accepting Donations from Saudi Wife Beaters and disgraced former NJ Senator

Josh Gottheimer
May 22,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ in what could be only considered a media event with no chance of swaying opinions 12 protesters called on Fidelity Investments storefront on Route 17 in Paramus to stop financially backing the campaign of CD5 Republican Congressman Scott Garrett.

The rally was made up of the same 12 people who have been protesting Garrett and supporting his opponent
Josh Gottheimer ,included Assemblyman Tim Eustace (D-38), representatives from New Jersey Citizen Action, Garden State Equality, College Democrats of New Jersey and Ramapo College Democrats. Apparently the few protesters were unaware that a branch office in New Jersey has almost zero input to Fidelity Investments corporate donation policy.

These “rent a mob” protests have been in response to controversial remarks Garrett “allegedly” made last year that he would not support the House Republican campaign arm because of support for gay candidates.
No evidence or transcripts have ever surfaced as to the nature of these “alleged” comments . Most insiders suspect the entire controversy was manufactured by former House Speaker  John “cry baby” Boehner. Who Garrett had voted against his disastrous tenure as Speaker of The House.

While the media loves events like theses that are custom tailored to fit the “evil ,mean ,GOP ” narrative Garrett’s Democratic opposition Josh Gottheimer has had far worse problems with donors . It seems Josh Gottheimer campaign has been partly financed by foreign money .Accepting donations from son of a billionaire Saudi businessman, and infamous wife beater Ibrahim Al-Rashid . Even Senator Harry Reid won’t take Al-Rashid’s money, yet political insider Josh Gottheimer has embraced Al-Rashid, to the disgust of residents of the Fifth District.

To make matters worse Gottheimer has also accepted donations from disgraced NJ Senator Bob “the Torch” Torricelli an Englewood Democrat who abandoned his bid for a second term in the U.S. Senate 13 years ago under an ethical cloud . So bad was Torricelli’s discretion’s he was forced out by his own party. Torricelli quite following a series of seamy revelations that he’d accepted lavish gifts from businessman David Chang, which in turned prompted the Senate Ethics Committee to issue a formal letter of admonishment.