Dom Nizza
Ridgewood Photo Project: ” Ridgewood’s 60+ Population”
The purpose of this photography project is to highlight the lives of residents over 60 yrs. old, who have stayed in Ridgewood even after raising children.
We are seeking beginner or professional-level photographs of 60+ residents that portray the variety of reasons people over 60 yrs. old do chose to stay in our Village. They can be at social events, at work, or play, at sporting events, at clubs, committees, concerts, restaurants, downtown, etc….
Also, in individual, group, only-senior, or in intergenerational settings…….
A kick-off event will take place at 12 Noon, November 18, in The Senior Center at the Village Hall. A professional photographer will explain photography tips for novices and cameras (donated by Wholesale Camera in Midland Park) will be available for anyone who needs a loaner camera.
Photographs must be submitted by December 21, 2014 to the Ridgewood Village Hall Clerk’s office or sent electronically to ghauck@ridgewoodnj.net. Submit photos as often as you want. A editing team will select the best photos for the Final Project. These photos will be made into a slideshow and a book to be displayed at the Ridgewood Library and in the Community Center in February, 2015.
“One picture is worth a thousand words!” 50 photos should tell a lot about the 3500 seniors who live in Ridgewood; their friends, families and connections……