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Reader Blows Off Steam on Tap into Ridgewood

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Tap into Ridgewood was created at the end of March 2021. Jason DeAlessi (aka “Sleek Media, LLC) is the franchise owner (and up until a few days ago, he was the editor of record. . . still trying to figure out who is his replacement (or, realistically, not)). Every single piece they write bashes the anti-Arohnshon crowd, guts Susan Knudsen, supports JOLTS. 

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Tap into Ridgewood Editor Democratic Operative and Former Paul Vagianos Campaign Manager

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, many readers of this blog have remarked over the recent interest of “Tap into Ridgewood”  news source . The publication seems extremely biased again the current Village of Ridgewood Mayor  Susan Knudsen and seems to promote all things Councilwomen Pam Perron and candidate  Paul Vagianos . While the Perron love fest seems to have died out ,the nonstop promotion of Vagianos has not.

Continue reading Tap into Ridgewood Editor Democratic Operative and Former Paul Vagianos Campaign Manager