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President And Chief Financial Officer Of North Jersey Company Charged With $17 Million Fraud Scheme

employee fraud

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ, The president and the chief financial officer of a now defunct New Jersey-based marble and granite wholesaler have been arrested for allegedly orchestrating and participating in a scheme to defraud a bank in connection with a $17 million secured line of credit, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.

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Tenafly Swim Instructor Charged With Sexual Assault

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ, Acting Bergen County Prosecutor Dennis Calo announced the arrest of KEVIN GUO (DOB: 05/26/1995; single; and employed as a swim instructor) of Tenafly, New Jersey, on charges of Sexual Assault By Sexual Contact and Endangering The Welfare Of A Child. The arrest is the result of an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor=s Office under the direction of Chief Robert Anzilotti and the Tenafly Police Department under the direction of Chief Robert Chamberlain.

On Saturday, December 22, 2018, the Tenafly Police Department received a report that Kevin GUO engaged in sexual acts with a child under the age of thirteen in Tenafly over the course of two years. As a result of an investigation by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit and the Tenafly Police Department, GUO was arrested on Thursday, December 27, 2018 in Tenafly and charged with two counts of Sexual Assault By Sexual Contact, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:14-2B, a 2nd degree crime, and one count of Endangering The Welfare Of A Child, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4A, a 2nd degree crime. GUO is scheduled for a first appearance in Central Judicial Processing Court in Hackensack on Friday, December 28, 2018 at 1:30 p.m.

Acting Prosecutor Calo states that the charges are merely accusations and that the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and would like to thank the Tenafly Police Department for its assistance in this investigation.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ, Acting Bergen County Prosecutor Dennis Calo announced the arrest of PETER J. LEE (DOB: 11/26/1956; divorced; and self-employed as a garment salesman) of 606 Cottonwood Court, Cresskill, NJ for assault By Auto and Leaving the Scene of A Motor Vehicle Collision in Tenafly, NJ. The arrest is the result of an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Chief Robert Anzilotti and the Tenafly Police Department under the direction of Chief Robert Chamberlain.


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Tenafly Police Nab Alleged Car Thieves

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ,  another reminder to take your keys, remove your valuables and lock your vehicle . Tenafly Police Department reported that on Tuesday night, Tenafly Police Officers stopped a vehicle on Coppell Drive that was observed driving suspiciously in the area. As officers approached, the car quickly parked, turned off all their lights, and the two occupants reclined their seats in an attempt not to be seen by passing cars. The driver had an active warrant, and both were ultimately arrested after they were found to have a ski mask and rubber gloves in their possession. Based upon our investigation, we believe these two career criminals were in our town looking to steal a car. While this arrest highlights the proactive efforts of our officers to find and arrest burglars and car thieves that target our community, it should also serve as a reminder for all residents to remove key fobs and lock your cars even when parked in your own driveway. Criminals will continue to target our community until they realize there is nothing to gain by coming here. Let’s all do our part to keep our neighborhoods safe by locking our cars and reporting any suspicious activity to the police department as soon as you see it. Call us 24/7 at (201) 568-5100 to report anything out of the ordinary.

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Bear Spotted in Tenafly


may 29,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Tenafly NJ, The Tenafly Police Department has received two reports that a bear has been sighted on the east side of town near the JCC on East Clinton Avenue, and then shortly thereafter on Leroy Street. Black bears are common in northern New Jersey, and we are likely to receive additional reports as local bears expand their traditional territories in search of food. Bears have an extremely keen sense of smell, and are usually attracted to garbage and other food residue, such as grease on barbeque grills. Please note that black bears are generally not known to be aggressive, and attacks on humans are extremely rare. However, you should be aware of their presence in our area and take precautions if you have small pets or plan to be outdoors. If you encounter a bear while hiking or walking, you should remain calm and slowly back away. Do not run. Avoid direct eye contact and make loud noises by yelling, using a whistle, or banging pots and pans. Make yourself look as big as possible by waving your arms above your head. If you see a bear in your neighborhood, it is not necessary to contact the police department. However, please do report sick, injured, or “nuisance” bears to us for further investigation. The Tenafly Police Department will continue to monitor reports of bear sightings in our area, but it is not our intention to repeat this notification if we receive additional reports. Finally, please visit the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife website for more information about what you can do if you encounter a bear, and what can be done to deter bears from scavenging on your property. Thank you.

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Tenafly Police Department : we sincerely thank everyone all across the country for voicing their support of our officers and the entire law enforcement community


April 27,2018

Tenafly Police Department

Tenafly NJ, The Tenafly Police Department has received a great deal of attention over the last 72 hours after dash-cam video of our officers on a recent motor vehicle stop was released to the media. This incident has shed a positive light on law enforcement while highlighting some challenges that officers often face in the performance of their duties. In response to the interaction captured on video that afternoon, we have received hundreds of phone calls and emails from people all across the United States and Canada commenting on the professionalism, patience, and restraint exhibited by the officers. We are extremely proud of how our officers handled themselves and would like to thank everyone that contacted our agency in support of their actions. Your kind words of encouragement and praise are truly appreciated. We promise that as we move forward, we will continue to incorporate technology, progressive training methods, sound policies & procedures, and individual accountability in an attempt to maintain the highest standards of professionalism while serving the residents of Tenafly. Once again, we sincerely thank everyone all across the country for voicing their support of our officers and the entire law enforcement community.

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Bergen County Prosecutor Gurbir S

June 11,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Bergen County Prosecutor Gurbir S. Grewal announced today the arrests of TYRONE GOINS (DOB: 02/14/80; single; and unemployed) of 90 Prospect Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey and his brother, TRAVIS GOINS (DOB: 01/25/85; single; and employed as a driver) of 44 Brookway Avenue, Englewood, New Jersey. The arrests are the culmination of a three-month-long investigation by detectives from the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Special Investigations Squad under the direction of Chief Robert Anzilotti, along with a multi-jurisdictional burglary task force comprised of detectives from Fort Lee, Paramus, Cliffside Park, Tenafly, Saddle River, and Teaneck police departments.

In response to a reported increase of residential burglaries in the eastern part of Bergen County, detectives from the affected towns met and shared information about the burglaries. As a result, a task force was formed and a joint investigation began.

On the evening of June 8, 2017, task force detectives were conducting physical surveillance in the Borough of Cliffside Park. TYRONE GOINS and TRAVIS GOINS were observed in a vehicle that circled the same blocks for a period of time. Shortly after the vehicle left the area, detectives confirmed that a burglary had been committed to a residence on Washington Avenue in Cliffside Park. Detectives were able to locate the suspects’ vehicle and conduct a motor vehicle stop.

TYRONE GOINS and TRAVIS GOINS were each charged with one count of Burglary, in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C18-2A(1), a crime of the 3rd degree, for the Washington Avenue, Cliffside Park burglary along with an additional count of Burglary, for an April 27th, 2017 residential burglary to a Cliffside Park residence on West End Avenue. The investigation is ongoing and more charges are expected.

Tyrone GOINS and Travis GOINS are currently lodged in the Bergen County Jail, pending a detention hearing.

Prosecutor Grewal states that the charges against the defendants are merely accusations and that the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and would also like to thank the Fort Lee, Paramus, Cliffside Park, Tenafly, Saddle River and Teaneck Police Departments for their assistance with this investigation.

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Out Of Sight Shouldn’t Be Out Of Mind: A Cautionary Tale About Checking Your Gas Pipes


March 31,2017

Ridgewood NJ, It’s easy to take things we don’t see for granted – like the gas pipes in our home. I’m sure like many other homeowners, I never thought much about what was going on behind my walls. I had gas service, so everything was surely fine, right? I couldn’t have been more wrong.

It began on a cold January day when a friend dropped off her daughter for a playdate with my daughter. While she was in my house, she thought she smelled gas. We knew this wasn’t something to be taken lightly, so I called PSE&G. Service Specialist Eric (E.G.) Madsen promptly arrived. He took a gas reading and immediately shut off the gas lines to our house. He had a hunch that there might be a leak in the inside gas pipes. He told my wife, who was home alone at the time, that she needed to leave immediately and call an HVAC company to test the pipes.

When the HVAC company arrived what they found was chilling and terrifying. There was indeed a leak in our pipes. In fact a leak is an understatement — there was a substantial hole! Gas was in the ground — and in our walls. The gas pipes inside our house needed to be replaced. We lived in a hotel while the pipes were dug up and replaced. Once that was done a few days later, Mr. Madsen returned to turn on the gas. While I was sitting in my kitchen waiting, I asked him just how much gas was in my walls. His reply sent chills down my spine . “Gas explodes at between 5 percent and 15 percent,” he said. “You were at 15 percent.” We dodged a bullet that day. As a result, the plumbing inspector for the Borough of Tenafly now is checking all the gas pipes in the homes in our neighborhood.

Life lessons are learned every day. With those lessons it’s important to keep things in perspective. We often times get caught up with what’s around us. We focus on what we can see. When things are invisible to the eye, like the gas pipes in our home, we just assume everything is alright. Thankfully, Mr. Madsen didn’t do that. I believe he might have saved our lives, and those of our neighbors. He says that he was just doing his job. It is not often we have the opportunity to thank the people who keep us safe. In fact, we often take them for granted. So, thank you Mr. Madsen.

If I can leave you with one final thought, it would be not to take your pipes for granted. Get them checked. And, if you think you smell gas, call PSE&G!

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Wife sues driver who killed her jogging husband


By Anthony G. Attrino | NJ Advance Media for
on March 21, 2017 at 6:35 AM, updated March 21, 2017 at 8:48 AM

TENAFLY – The wife of a man struck and killed by a car during an early morning jog last fall has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver, according to court documents.

Robert E. Hyer Jr., 63, was killed as he tried to cross East Clinton Avenue at Woodland Street in Tenafly. (Google Maps)

Robert E. Hyer Jr., 63, of Tenafly, was killed Oct. 25, 2016, as he crossed East Clinton Avenue at Woodland Street in Tenafly, according to a lawsuit filed March 13 in Bergen County Superior Court.

The driver was Raffaella Garritano, 58, of Englewood Cliffs, according to attorneys for Hyer’s wife Andrea McDermott Hyer, 54.

“Garritano operated that vehicle in such an inattentive, careless, reckless and negligent manner so as to strike and violently knock (the victim) to the ground,” the suit states.

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Tenafly, Ridgewood study late school start



New Jersey middle and high schools start their day on average at 8 a.m. — on par with other schools in the nation but too early for students to get a good night’s sleep, according to medical experts.

And that, in turn, can contribute to a host of health problems for adolescents, those experts say.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a state-by-state analysis this week showing that school start times for 2012, the most recently available data, averaged 8:03 a.m.

The report came less than a year after the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that middle and high schools begin their days no earlier than 8:30 a.m. Only 17.7 percent of schools — and 14.9 percent in New Jersey — started at 8:30 a.m. or later.

“Getting enough sleep is important for students’ health, safety, and academic performance,” said Anne Wheaton, lead author and epidemiologist in the CDC’s Division of Population Health. “Early school start times, however, are preventing many adolescents from getting the sleep they need.”

Students should get 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep, according to the CDC. Insufficient sleep is common among high school students and is associated with such health risks as being overweight, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, and using drugs — as well as poor grades, the agency said in its report.

In New Jersey, school start times have been debated for years, but the debate intensified after the pediatrics academy released its 2014 policy paper.

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Pair named in harassment cases allegedly behind emails in Tenafly, Cresskill


MAY 12, 2015, 8:33 AM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015, 8:33 AM


Alpine Country Club President David Kushner and his wife, Nanci, allegedly sent anonymous, harassing emails to Tenafly resident Cory Hechler, according to court papers that were made public Monday.

Hechler, a longtime friend and golfing partner of David Kushner, filed a civil lawsuit last year alleging that Kushner persuaded him to invest in business deals that lost a substantial amount of money.

The Kushners have been charged with harassment in the Tenafly case, which was announced on Friday without the name of the alleged victim.

The Kushners also face charges, made public last week, that they stalked and harassed the Cresskill High School basketball coach by sending anonymous emails in an attempt to get him fired. The Kushners’ son played basketball at Cresskill High School.

Authorities also said Monday that they are investigating an incident Friday night at the Kushners’ home on Adams Drive in Cresskill.

Officers responding to a noise complaint reported that someone at the home was taken to a hospital, and that a quantity of alcohol was seized. Cresskill Deputy Police Chief James Domville said he did not know whether the couple was home at the time.

No charges have been filed in the matter, but the detective bureau is investigating to determine whether underage drinking took place at the home, Domville said. He said he did not know the age of the person taken to the hospital.

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Tenafly resident’s arrest meant to better ties between Koreas; statement met with suspicion


Won Moon Joo in a photo from his 2012 Tenafly High School yearbook.

MAY 5, 2015, 4:28 PM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015, 11:19 PM

The college student from Tenafly detained in North Korea sought to be arrested and hoped his arrest would lead to better relations between North Korea and South Korea, he said in an interview that aired Tuesday on CNN.

Speaking at a hotel room and appearing relaxed, even smiling at times, Won Moon Joo, 21, said he intended to cross into North Korea from China. To do so, he had to pass two barbed wire fences and a cross a river before he was stopped by soldiers.

Joo, a student at New York University, was vague about his motivations for entering the country.

Related:  Tenafly resident detained in North Korea says he crossed into country on purpose

“Once the thought of entering the DPRK seeped into my mind, I couldn’t really escape it. I guess I constantly thought about it,” he said, referring to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the name North Korea gives itself.

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Tenafly residents detained in North Korea says he crossed into country on purpose


Won Moon Joo in a photo from his 2012 Tenafly High School yearbook.

MAY 4, 2015, 9:02 AM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2015, 10:06 AM

TENAFLY — An interview that CNN aired Tuesday morning with a Tenafly college student detained in North Korea shed little light on why he entered the country or what will happen to him.

Won Moon Joo, 21, told CNN that he purposely crossed into North Korea from China, passing two barbed wire fences and a river before he was stopped by soldiers. Asked why: “I thought by my entrance — illegally I acknowledge — I thought some great event could happen and hopefully that event could have a good effect in the relations between the north and south,” he said, appearing relaxed and even smiling during the interview.

The interview did little to answer the questions that have swirled in North Jersey’s Korean neighborhoods since North Korea announced Joo’s arrest on Saturday for having illegally entered the country. In community centers, groceries and media offices, people have been asking how he ended up in such a terrible situation and worrying for his family.

It’s a nightmare for any family — hearing that a son with so much promise travels abroad and takes a risky action that ends with him in prison. North Korea’s government detained Joo on April 22, and while South Korea is fighting on his behalf, his fate remains unclear.

“I hope I will be able to tell the world how an ordinary college student entered the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) illegally, however with the generous treatment of the DPRK that I will able to return home safely,” he said in the interview.

Joo also told CNN he has had no access to phone or Internet and has not been able to talk to anyone from the U.S. or South Korean governments yet, but has been treated well.

“I’ve been fed well. I have slept well and I have been very healthy. I would just like to apologize for creating a lot of worry among my loved ones,” he said in the interview.