January 21st 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Insulting people’s intellectual range, calling people idiots, inventing insulting names for people who have different opinions and calling those people’s opinions outrageous – all in one paragraph – doesn’t craft a winning argument for being “above the fray” or better than the average Blog reader… And if you indeed are a very devoted and vocal supporter of the current Council majority, I don’t think it reflects well on them either. You are not doing them any favors by being so nasty and quickly reduced to the level of name calling.
Why can’t anybody just discuss the issues anymore? Agree to disagree? I have strong opinions too but make an effort not to engage in that type of behavior. It is just unnecessary and unproductive. I think if you can’t hold it together, in public or in writing, people can probably sympathize with that feeling but maybe you should reconsider participating until you can pull yourself together. This thread of comments was not uncivil at all until you took it in that direction.
It goes to the very core of the problem when even Reverend Jan Philips at the beginning of the public comment session in a public meeting accused Ridgewood residents who were about to speak as GRANDSTANDING, when almost noone had had a chance to speak .Worse yet Reverend Philips, chairs the Civility Meetings, leading critics to only assume the whole civility process is nothing more than an attack on free speech and an attempt to silence dissent.
The Ridgewood blog is often the target of these Orwellian attacks of news speak where time and time again supporters of the council majority come on the blog name calling , bulling ,attacking and threatening posters always desperate to break the veil on anonymity that protects residents .
So the message is simple you get what you give , lack of respect breads lack of respect .
We can only hope that a tree falls on the little apartment that houses the server for this website….and puts us all out of our misery. Civility will return to the village once this forum of hate and intolerance is taken down.
I guess we’ll have a lot of residents pulling candidate packets to make a run at a seat….or do the malcontents just enjoy being keyboard bullies???
Rurik Halaby
The guy with the bowtie is the Curmudgeon-in-Chief, founder of Curmudgeons for a Better Ridgewood, CBR, not to be confused with Citizens for a Dead Ridgewood. I can think of many vocalantis, rhymes with vigilantes, who qualify for Sasquatch.
If James sends me his email, I will be happy to send him photographs I took at Schedler, showing what a dump it is.
If Council Members Knudsen and Sedon were to pause for a minute and think of Ridgewood’s long-term interests and not just pandering to their base base, they would work positively with the Three Amigos to turn Schedler into something we can all be proud of and one that many Ridgewood Residents can enjoy.
Rurik Halaby
Here we go again, the Pravda’s nasty campaign against perhaps the sincerest and hardest working member of the Village Council. Repeat a lie enough times and you hope it becomes the truth. You want to define nasty? Listen to the vocalantis, rhymes with vigilantes, with their viciousu guerrilla campaign to tke over control of the Council and then taking us back to C
Rurik Halaby
James, have you no shame? Coming up with any BS idea you could muster, with little respect for your readers intelligence? And while you are at it, why not argue for the fact that Schedler needs to be protected since a susquatch was recently seen there. Susquatch? Look it up.
Friends of a bio-dump. What a creepy, crap-ridden place Schedler is and they want to preserve it inviolate? All of a sudden this neighborhood nobody even knew was part of Ridgewood is run through with dedicated environmentalists? Not likely–they just like having a place where they don’t have to worry about cleaning up after their dogs, and they want to avoid extra road traffic coming through their neighnorhood. Nothing more than that. No saintly motives, that much is for sure.